Lions birthing, Red Rain in America


Some people can lieee!!!

Lizard and broken tooth on the roof

I never believed in having the tooth fairy come and take away your tooth if you put it under your pillow at night. When my tooth broke as a child, I didn't care how I trashed it and what happened with it until it seemed like it wasn't growing anymore. I had this cousin that came to visit one day. We were of the same age. That day, we were together when one of her tooth fell and she quickly ran out and threw it on the roof. I followed her and wondered why she did that to her tooth and she said 'If you don't throw your broken tooth on the roof for a lizard to eat it, it wouldn't grow.' I believed her, and started saving my fallen teeth for when my mom wasn't around so I could throw them on the roof.

I was about 7 or so I think and I had this wide gap where my incisors were meant to be. Adults even joked about it and said I had an expressway right in my mouth 😂. I was so desperate that I would do anything to close the gap and the solution came. I started throwing my tooth over the roof. Did it grow immediately or did a lizard refuse to eat them? Stay tuned for Part 2😂

Red Rain in America

When I was about 12years, I was in my second year in junior secondary school. I had this classmate who's dad lived abroad. One holiday, this girl came back and told us she went to meet her dad in America where he worked. Fascinated by the fact that she had gone to America before most of us, we gathered round to hear her stories and she began telling us how she didn't want to spend the holiday in America and how her mum was the one who forced her. When asked how America was like, this girl told us that it's tap water people in America drink. And she also happened to experience red rain falling in America.

I still don't understand how gullible most of us were in that class but we believed😂. The relatives I had abroad were distant, I couldn't ask anyone if they had seen red rain fall before. So we all stupidly believed this classmate of ours. Now you that is reading this? Have you experienced red rain in America or has anybody you know experienced it? Please tell me cause I haven't still verified if that statement is true.

If it's raining and sun is shining, a lion is giving birth

During my childhood days, I questioned everything. There was this day on my way back from school. My mom picked me up that day. It was raining and the sun was shining. At the same time. I asked my mom, why it was and she responded telling me 'Whenever rain is falling and the sun is shining, it means a lion is giving birth somewhere'. I was so fascinated by my mom's knowledge then and amazed by the fact that a lion, an animal I held in high esteem was birthing a cub. And I happened to experience the weather in which a cub was born.
Oh, how blessed I felt whenever I experienced rain and sun doing their jobs at the same time😂

You can imagine how I valued that piece of information. I'm grown now and if someone tells me that, he or she will definitely have to prove it before I believe. But this was one statement from my mother I really cherished and believed back then.

This is my entry into the Hive Naija Weekly Prompt that says

Tell us the worst lie you ever believed. It could be a superstitious belief or something someone told you that you later found out was untrue, but at the time, you believed it wholeheartedly. Tell us this lie and what your reaction was when you found out the truth.

Do check it out here and participate

Like I said, I've believed lies and I've believed lies. These are some of them. If you didn't experience any lie and believed when you were younger, it's not too late. There's a gender that will do that for you free of charge now😂

Image above was taken by me

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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