It's that simple!

I've realized something about myself. I don't know if it's something other people experience too but I can make myself laugh. I can tell a joke to myself and laugh over it, that's normal i guess. But do you also experience a situation whereby you remember something a person said sometime ago, that was so funny and it makes you cry from laughter so intense at how funny the joke was, months after? I do that a lot. And it happens anywhere. Public spaces, in my room, around people. Jokes never get old with me and I can remember them and laugh as intensely as I did the first time I heard them. Is it a good or bad thing? I don't care. It makes me happy at that moment, that's what matters.

I love being beautiful, I love being humourous but if I'm asked to pick between both, I'm definitely going for someone with a good sense of humor. Let me give you an instance. Years ago, I was classmates with this girl Fathia. We both had our cliques and apart from the sparse greetings we all shared in class, there was nothing we had in common. But we were cool.

One day, I wasn't going home from school. I had to go meet someone and that someone's place was located around Fathia's house. Since we were the only ones heading towards that direction, we went together. Half the journey, we talked about random things and shared comfortable silences. But while we talked, we saw these fowls mating, and in the middle of their mating (or maybe they were done, I don't know), the cock left the hen and went after another. It was weird because that shouldn't be it's first reaction after mating, should it?. Was it that unsatisfying? We saw it, looked at each other and burst into laughter, at the abruptness of it all.

I never forgot that experience thanks to Fathia. Everytime I remember it, I remember how Fathia's laugh made the situation even funnier, how she analysed the situation and her expressions, how conversation flowed smoothly between us, thanks to the cock. As we spoke, I admired her sense of humour. The rest of our journey that day, was filled with laughs and although it's been a while since this happened, I remember it being so funny and still laugh over it.

Beauty is subjective. To some, you are beautiful, to others, their perception of beauty might not fit in with yours and so, you are not. But with sense of humour, there's no choice. It's either enjoy my company or be a bitter person. I've met people with sense of humour so good, even though our paths crossed only once, I never forgot them. I wouldn't trade sense of humour for beauty. I love to be reason for the jokes (positively). I love to bring the vibe. My current self isn't boring to be around, neither is she the life of the party. I'm just somewhere in between.

My humourous/weird self, only flows around those I already know and it would be amazing if it did better around people I'm just getting to know. I love having good laughs. I love being around people who are funny and make me laugh. And so, I'll choose sense of humour. To have people enjoy my company more.

Images are mine

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