Brought to an end.

When I looked at the prompt for this week that says

Tell us about a relationship you ended for a silly reason, and it doesn't have to be a romantic

I thought about my relationships that ended due to something silly. I don't really have an experience but I've happened to witness one. When it comes to relationships, efforts have to come from both ways for it to work. No matter the distance or situations revolving round the relationship, when both parties are willing, the relationship will work. Although, there are some situations where it is best for both parties to go their separate ways.

During my time in the university, I've been staying in the dorms and I have happened to witness many relationships or rather friendships that went down the drain for one silly reason or another. Some could have been resolved by both parties and others couldn't have been avoided. In my first year, I was assigned a dorm room that contained 6 bed spaces. So, in other words, I had to share a room with 5 other girls. And apart from the regular roommate relationship, there were these two girls that had so much in common. They both shared the same name, the same bunk in the room and they both hailed from the same town. The first day they met each other, we all thought they knew each other before. It was later we got to know that they both just clicked on their first day of meeting. Everyone admired their friendship. They shared things with each other. They practically lived like sisters. If you were looking for one of them, ask the other and she seemed to always know where the other is. Their friendship kept on progressing beautifully till after some time, one of them stopped staying in the room. She started squatting in another room. When asked why, she claimed she found the other room where she was staying comfortable. Nobody pressed on the topic.

Then, one fateful evening, the one that had left the room came in and said she had some issues to address.

Please, I'll have to identify them using two different names just to avoid confusion. The one that left the room earlier, I'll call her Jennie, the other will be called Joan.

So, Jennie came into the room and said she had some issues to address concerning some of her things and we all knew it was directed at Joan.

"I'll like to stop sharing my things with you Joan"

"What do you mean? What did I do?" Joan asked. Confusion etching her brows.

"It's because I don't know your mind anymore. Remember when I went to the hospital two weeks ago because I caught cold. While in the hospital, you didn't call me to ask how I was doing or how it was going. You only called to ask me to borrow you my spoon and onions. Didn't you bring cooking spoon from your house? I don't even know whether you're just using me for gain or you really value this friendship" Jennie said, and left the room. All eyed turned back to Joan who appeared dumbfounded.

I remember how she cried that night because according to her, she had never been humiliated so much in her life. Although I felt for her, I couldn't really make any input as I didn't know what had transpired that day.

Since that day, whenever these two friends met in a gathering, there was always this tension between them. Although they have both gone their separate ways now, I don't think they still made up till this day.

This is my entry into the hive naija weekly prompt. You can check out the details here

Header image was taken by me.

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Well, it's not strange. Ladies most of the time end their friendships based on silly reasons. I envy the ones I see that have lasted for many years. But asking your hospitalized friend for spoons and onions is something else. Even at that, they would have discussed about it anyway.


If truly Joan called her supposed best friend who was sick and hospitalized to ask for those things, then she was insensitive. To even think she didn't go to visit her at the hospital nor do the very least thing which was to call her is terrible enough. It's just bad.
