Bees, The Honey Bees
Bee is one of the insect very harmful and very dangerous to approach to, but very sweet to be friend with. People who produce honey are friends to bees. They don't fear bees like other people do. They are not afraid of them like some others do.
I personally don't see any reason why people run away from approaching Bees while they are number one(1) of taking tea with honey. They use "honey bee" to treat various sicknesses.
Why should we then be far from Bees? How should we be taking honey and be running away from it at the same time? It can't be possible. Bee is honey and honey is bee.
Let us celebrate Honey and the Bees. Let us have Bees world day where we celebrate Bees in the world.
Let's all that take honey at home join me to celebrate Bees.
Happy World Bees day and happy celebration to all my Hiveans!