Mommy Rek'Sai + Kai'Sa 3 stars, my best set of this set- TFT SET 9 [ENG- ESP]




Hello, Hivers! I hope you are having a good day. Since the last patch, I have really liked everything new that has come out. There are a lot of viable compositions in this new meta, which everyone has been liking. I've seen a lot of streamers who were tired of the previous patch, but in this one, they are playing like crazy. I personally have been playing again, so much so that I have made it from platinum 2 to diamond 3, playing at full. The best thing about this is that I could do it without abusing any of the meta, just playing with what the game was giving me.

In this case, I think I bring you my best game of this set. I consider it so because I feel that my decisions were very wise, and that made me end up with a pretty good result. So much so that I went to tell my friends everything that had happened in the game haha.

  • Game here

  • Important decisions



For the first upgrade, I chose Progress March. This augmentation is progressive, as it prevents you from leveling up using gold, but at the same time, you start getting experience passively in each combat against players. This augmentation is very good because it helps you amass a large amount of gold until you reach level 7, which is where I wanted to reroll for some token either epic or rare. At the time I didn't know what composition to play, but I knew this augmentation was very good.

At the beginning of the game, it was a very uncertain future for me as I felt I had no starting composition. Although Empty is good, if you don't get an emblem to get the Empty 8 this composition in the end is not going to work out much for you. However, when I got a Rek'sai I thought of playing a not-so-popular composition, which is a super strong Rek'sai, with a lot of life and damage.



I think Return on Investment is one of the best augmentations to choose from because, after 25 store upgrades, it gives you a strategist crown, which transforms into a +1 slot for any champion. I chose it because I had to upgrade the store a lot. First, because I needed to look for Rek'Sai 3 stars. And well, obviously also because of the Progress March increase.

At this point, I was already starting to see that everything I had prepared in my mind for the game was starting to pay off. Especially because of the large amount of gold I had to search for the tokens I needed, at level 7 I was already in a very good position. But I was missing something, and that was to get Rek'Sai 3 stars, which is where the real party would begin.



For the third augmentation, I think this is where I made the perfect choice for the game (you'll see why). Golden Ticket is one of the best augmentations in this patch, especially because it works in any composition. Obviously, nowadays the strongest compositions carry 3-star tokens, no matter what cost they are. But I have to say that this augmentation was the one that gave me the game.

In the late game, I already had a virtually indestructible table, as I had a Rek'Sai that was the true Mother of the Void. She had monstrous damage, and she also had a lot of very good defense, which added to a large amount of life for the 6 Bruisers. That accompanied a Vi 3 star, and a Kai'Sa with a lot of damage.


Although I thought I was the winner of the game, I got a big surprise. A player had drawn Aphelios 3 stars almost at the beginning of the late game, but I hadn't noticed. I seriously thought this would be the end of the game for me, as Aphelios 3 is one of the strongest tokens out there. But of course, I wasn't going to give up either. It's clearly not good to give the game up for the loss.

  • End


When the game was already going downhill because the enemy had Aphelios 3, I with my golden ticket knew that there was a remote hope. Which was me also getting an epic token at 3 stars. The first one I had to take out was Sejuani, but this is a tank token, I wasn't going to be able to Aphelios. But as I was rerolling, I was getting Kai'Sa, which is a great tile, in my opinion much stronger than Aphelios. In the end, I got her to end the game.

Well, my people, this was all my post for today. I hope you liked it as much as I did. No doubt this TFT patch has delighted me a lot, but that in turn has been overshadowed in my life, as this week I have played a lot of For Honor, which is a game I will bring a post about soon. See you in the next post




Hola, Hivers! Espero que estén teniendo un buen día. Desde el último parche, me ha gustado mucho todo lo nuevo que ha salido. Hay muchas composiciones viables en este nuevo meta, que a todo el mundo le ha estado gustando. He visto muchos streamers que estaban cansados del parche anterior, pero en este están jugando como locos. Yo personalmente he vuelto a jugar, tanto que he llegado desde platino 2 hasta diamante 3, jugando a full. Lo mejor de esto es que lo pude hacer sin abusar de nada del meta, simplemente jugando con lo que el juego me estuviera regalando.

En este caso creo que les traigo mi mejor partida de este set. Lo considero así porque siento que mis decisiones fueron muy acertadas, y eso hizo que terminara con un resultado bastante bueno. Tanto así que fui a contarle a mis amigos todo lo que había pasado en la partida haha

  • Game here

  • Decisiones importantes



Para el primer aumento, elegí Marcha del progreso. Este aumento es progresivo, ya que te impide subir de nivel usando oro, pero a su vez comienzas a obtener experiencia de manera pasiva en cada combate contra jugadores. Este aumento es muy bueno porque te ayuda a amasar una gran cantidad de oro hasta llegar al nivel 7, que es donde yo quería hacer reroll por alguna ficha ya sea épica o rara. En ese momento no sabía qué composición jugar, pero sabía que este aumento era muy bueno.

Al principio de la partida era un futuro muy incierto para mí ya que sentía que no tenía ninguna composición de salida. Aunque Vacio es buena, si no te sale un emblema para tener los 8 vacíos esta composición al final no te va a funcionar mucho. Sin embargo, al salirme una Rek'sai se me ocurrió jugar una composición no tan popular, que es una Rek'sai super fuerte, con mucha vida y daño



Creo que Retorno de inversión es uno de los mejores aumentos que se pueden elegir, ya que luego de 25 actualizaciones de la tienda, este te da una corona de estratega, lo cual se transforma en +1 espacio para cualquier campeón. Lo elegí porque tenía que actualizar mucho la tienda. Primero, porque necesitaba buscar Rek'Sai 3 estrellas. Y bueno, obviamente también por el aumento de Marcha del progreso.

En este momento, ya estaba comenzando a ver que todo lo que había preparado en mi mente para la partida estaba comenzando a dar frutos. Sobre todo, porque por la gran cantidad de oro que tenía para buscar las fichas que necesitaba, a nivel 7 ya estaba en una muy buena posición. Pero me faltaba algo, y era conseguir Rek'Sai 3 estrellas, que es donde ya comenzaría la verdadera fiesta



Para el tercer aumento, creo que aquí fue donde hice la elección perfecta para la partida (ya verán por qué). Boleto dorado es uno de los mejores aumentos de este parche, sobre todo porque sirve en cualquier composición. Obviamente, actualmente las composiciones más fuertes conllevan fichas 3 estrellas, sin importar de qué costo sean. Pero tengo que decir que este aumento fue el que me dio la partida.

En el late game, ya tenía una mesa prácticamente indestructible, ya que tenía una Rek'Sai que era la verdadera Madre del vacío. Tenía un daño monstruoso, también tenía mucha defensa muy buena, sumada a una gran cantidad de vida por los 6 Bruisers. Eso acompañado a una Vi 3 estrellas, y una Kai'Sa con mucho daño.


Aunque yo me hacía ganador de la partida, me llevé una gran sorpresa. Un jugador había sacado Aphelios 3 estrellas casi al inicio del late game, pero yo no me había dado cuenta. Yo seriamente creía que esto sería el final de la partida para mí, ya que Aphelios 3 es una de las fichas más fuertes que hay. Pero claro, yo tampoco me iba a rendir. Es claro que no es bueno dar la partida por perdida.

  • Fin


Cuando ya la partida iba en picada porque el enemigo tenía Aphelios 3, yo con mi boleto dorado sabía que había una remota esperanza. La cual era yo también conseguir una ficha épica a 3 estrellas. La primera que tenía para sacar era Sejuani, pero esta es una ficha tanque, no iba a poder con Aphelios. Pero a medida que hacía reroll, iba consiguiendo Kai'Sa, la cual sí es una gran ficha, a mi parecer mucho más fuerte que Aphelios. Al final la conseguí para poner fin a la partida.

Bueno, mi gente, este fue todo mi post por hoy. Espero les haya gustado tanto como a mí. Sin duda este parche de TFT me ha encantado mucho, pero que a su vez se ha visto opacado en mi vida, ya que esta semana he jugado mucho a For Honor, el cual es un juego del cual traeré un post pronto. Nos vemos en el siguiente post



Your first augmentin is not something I would prefer, but your next choices are right up my alley my friend! You chose a good composition and played well. I think it was the best you could do. The only mistake you made was selling all the Sejuani. Because you could have made him a 3 star too. Selling Ryze, who has no synergy with the composition, would have been a better option.


Ohhh I hadn't thought about it, I think it would have been an excellent way, to sell Ryze of course, although I had Ryze because the Ionia portal gives him a very good ability, but you're absolutely right. Thank you very much for the observation :D
