Kai'Sa ⭐️⭐️⭐️helps me get back in the game / TFT SET 9 [ENG- ESP]




Hello, Hivers! I hope you are having a great day. It's good to be here again, lately as I've been playing the new 2vs2 mode of League of Legends, this has led me to want to play TFT again, because if I'm honest the current set was not calling me so much attention, I don't know why it is quite complete, unlike other previous sets in this one I feel that there is a wide variety of compositions that work in the current meta, although clearly as in other sets, there will always be things stronger than bulls, as for example currently the compositions that are AP are dominating the meta, being Summoners the most popular, followed by Wizards, even so, these compositions are not so oppressive in my opinion. In this case, I put together a composition in which I had to do magic at the end of the game with the challengers in order to win.

  • Game here

  • Important decisions



To start my early-game, I chose an increase thinking about the future because this increase what it does is that it gives you 2% attack speed passively in each round, which made me want to play challengers from the beginning, I want to emphasize that in this game we all chose Jayce's portal that makes all the increases that come out in the game to be Prismatics.

I have to say that I hadn't had such a bad early-game for a long time, especially because I wasn't getting the cards I wanted, for example, a Kalista with Warwick didn't come out until I had to reroll, that's why it cost me a lot more to enter the game well, but I had the whole early game with 2 Challengers only, which made me lose a lot of life in the first part of the game.



Already in the mid-game, I had to make several rerolls to try to get at least 4 challengers and stabilize everything. I was going at such a slow pace that I felt I would not even get to choose the third raise. In this case, I chose Pandora's Bank, which is always an excellent magnification to choose from in any composition. In fact, it was the augmentation that won me over, as it allowed me to put my carrys together perfectly.

Although at this point I had to spend a good amount of gold to be able to take out Yasuo and have something that would do damage. The game was really difficult for me, and I reached a point where I was going to give up. However, I felt that Kai'Sa was going to be my savior (not to win, but to get at least the top 4). It was just a matter of being patient.



For the late game, I think I had one of the hardest choices I've ever had. At this point, any of the boosts I got would have been completely viable, especially Ezreal's boost which was well deserved. However, I chose Golden Ticket, which is one of the best there is for getting tokens out to 3 stars. I knew it was pretty much the only way I had a shot at the top 1.

At this point, I was already doing very well for Kai'Sa. He was a monstrosity in terms of damage because he had Radiant Shojin's Spear. This kept me in the game for quite a while, so I knew I could wait a bit longer before going for Yasuo or Kai'Sa 3-star. I knew it was the only way I had to win.

  • End


Getting Kai'Sa 3 stars this time was a total satisfaction. I was giving up, especially because getting this kind of token also means that no one in the game is buying it. In addition, I was playing with a lot of lag (which is usual for me, hahaha), which made it much more difficult to get it.

I was also saved by having added champions like Nasus and Shen to the team, which gave Kai'Sa much more time to hit.




Hola, Hivers! Espero que estéis teniendo un gran día. Es bueno estar por aquí de nuevo, últimamente como he estado jugando el nuevo modo 2vs2 de league of legends, esto me ha llevado a querer volver a jugar TFT, ya que si les soy sincero el set actual no me estaba llamando tanto la atención, no se porque es bastante completo, a diferencia de otros sets anteriores en este siento que hay una gran variedad de composiciones que funcionan en el meta actual, aunque claramente como en otros sets siempre habrá cosas más fuertes que toros, como por ejemplo actualmente las composiciones que son AP están dominando el meta, siendo los Invocadores los más populares, seguidos por los Hechiceros, aun asi estas composiciones no son tan opresivas en mi opinión. En este caso armé una composición que tuve que hacer magia al final de la partida con los retadores para poder ganar.

  • Game here

  • Decisiones importantes



Para empezar mi early game, elegí un aumento pensando en el futuro ya que este aumento lo que hace es que te va otorgando 2% de velocidad de ataque pasivamente en cada ronda, lo que me hacia querer jugar retadores desde el inicio, quiero destacar que en esta partida todos elegimos el portal de Jayce que hace que todos los aumentos que salgan en la partida sean Prismaticos.

Tengo que decir que tenía tiempo sin hacer un early game tan malo, sobre todo porque tampoco me estaban saliendo las fichas que quería, por ejemplo, una Kalista junto a Warwick no me salieron si no hasta que tuve que hacer rerrol, por eso fue que me costo mucho mas poder entrar bien a la partida, pero tuve todo el early game con 2 Retadores nada más, lo que me hizo perder mucha vida la primera parte de la partida.



Ya en el mid game, tuve que hacer varios rerrols para intentar sacar al menos 4 retadores y estabilizar todo. Iba a un ritmo tan lento que sentía que no iba a llegar ni a elegir el tercer aumento. En este caso elegí Banca de Pandora, que siempre es un excelente aumento para elegir en cualquier composición. De hecho, fue el aumento que me hizo ganar, ya que me permitió armar perfectamente a mis carrys.

Aunque en este momento tuve que gastar una buena cantidad de oro para poder sacar Yasuo y tener algo que hiciera daño. La partida era realmente difícil para mí, y llegué a un punto en el que me iba a rendir. Sin embargo, sentía que Kai'Sa iba a ser mi salvadora (pero no para ganar, sino para conseguir al menos top 4). Solo era cuestión de tener paciencia.



Para el late game, creo que tuve una de las elecciones más difíciles que he tenido. En este punto, cualquiera de los aumentos que me salieron hubiera sido completamente viable, sobre todo el aumento de Ezreal que era Bien merecido. Sin embargo, elegí Boleto dorado, que es uno de los mejores que hay para sacar fichas a 3 estrellas. Sabía que era prácticamente la única manera que tenía de aspirar a ser top 1.

En este punto, ya estaba muy bien por Kai'Sa. Era una monstruosidad en cuanto a daño porque tenía la Lanza de Shojin radiante. Esto me hizo mantenerme en la partida por un buen rato, por lo que sabía que podía esperar un poco más antes de ir por Yasuo o Kai'Sa 3 estrellas. Sabía que era la única manera que tenía para ganar.

  • Fin


Conseguir esta vez las 3 estrellas de Kai'Sa fue una satisfacción total. Me daba por vencido, sobre todo porque conseguir este tipo de token también significa que nadie en el juego lo está comprando. Además, estaba jugando con mucho lag (algo habitual en mí hahaha), lo que hacía mucho más difícil conseguirlo.

También me salvó haber añadido campeones como Nasus y Shen al equipo, lo que le dio mucho más tiempo a Kai'Sa para golpear.



Golden Ticket saved your life, man haha. It's very hard to win in games where all attachments are prismatic, almost every game I see a champion made 3 stars and it's very annoying. WP!


I think my problem was also that I had a very high ping, which made it very difficult for me to reroll quickly but I managed :D I learned all that from the master Incubluxx.


Yeah I saw you played with 450-500 pings. That's a huge problem. Thanks for your nice compliment man 😅
