Thank You For Sunshine...


(The gratitude of a fed soul)

You will never know the worth of a thing
Until you lack or lost it,
You will never know the worth of food,
Until you don't have access to it or you are hungry

After hunger struck my stomach
And made me be without strength,
After hunger whip the whole of my being,
Till I become weak.

At the access of food,
As I devour the goodness,
And my mouth savour the richness,
Gratitude looms in my heart.

And when I became satisfied,
Out of satisfaction and fullness,
I gulped water down
And said, "Thank you for sunshine" too

It wasn't a time for sun to shine,
It was a time for the moon, the evening,
But my heart was grateful for sunshine,
Because at that moment, sun shone in my heart.

Gratitude is the best way to have things,
And assuredly, as I have been grateful for
The sun that shone in my heart out of satisfaction,
I know that there will be many more sunshine.

There is beauty all around us and little things to be grateful for. What are you grateful for?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


Ohh wow 😀 this must've been a very refreshing meal I guess.
Really we need to be grateful for even the so called normal things we have, for not so many people have it easily the way we do. Happy people are grateful people, so we need to spend time in gratitude.


Gratitude... that's the whole essence of life. We need to be grateful for the little things of life...

Thank you, brother.


I for the most part my friend I am thankful for breathing for yet another chance to live, for being able to give the best of me and how that can help people, for the bread on the table, for being commenting on this post hahahaha, we should know how to appreciate what we have, because as the popular saying goes you don't know what you have until you lose it, great post my friend ♥


Yes, I agree with you, we should always be thankful To God for what he has given us, we are eating food. we are wearing good clothes, but instead we start complaining by looking at the people above us, but we should look at the people below us, then we will know how blessed we are .
