Does anyone know what these flashing, purple lightning icons mean? I see them every now and then, but I have no idea what it means.
#askleo #question #inleo
Are there any other requirements to appear on the top? I have a new threadcast, more than 20 replies on it. But still not appearing. Does it need a certain amounts of votes? Thank you!
It means there's a threadcast but the issue is it's really had to know what the threadcast is for topic wish and where to go to be part of the show and convo.
it means that a threadcast is active and has seen replies in the last period of time
Thanks man, I've asked before and never got an answer. Thanks again for the info.
Think its suppose to indicate which threadcasts are live
Thanks for the info!
@khaleelkazi mentioned it once, but I can't for the life of me remember.
Well I'm told it indicates active threadcasts, although I saw my own picture there once and I'm sure I've never started a threadcast
it’s for active Threadcasts
If you started one or have participated in one, then it lights up your profile icon
If you click a purple user, it takes you to the Threadcast they’re active in
Ah! Yes! Thanks for that! Would never have remebered that.
Are there any other requirements to appear on the top? I have a new threadcast, more than 20 replies on it. But still not appearing. Does it need a certain amounts of votes? Thank you!
If it's an user on the threads feed, means that the user is participating in a threadcast.
Those bubble on the top are premium users hosting a threadcast or live chat
Ah ok, Thanks for clarifying I really appreciate it!!
It means there's a threadcast but the issue is it's really had to know what the threadcast is for topic wish and where to go to be part of the show and convo.
what @bitcoinflood just said above #feedback