WE ARE NOT HELPLESS! ใ€‹my very first post here


๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi and Good greetings of our common faith. It's a pleasure to have located this beautiful tribe about a minute ago.


Yes, this subtopic is another way of expressing the title of this blog. Aiit let's open the floor with the precious words from a Kingdom oriented father in the faith, Ralph Mahoney, he saidโ€“

"No ministry excels that of intercessory prayer. In fact, I don't want people to stop praying. Instead, I want us to refocus our thinking so that we realise God has given us weapons to employ in a battle.

"We don't have to stand by helplessly when our friends and loved ones are threatened or taken captive by the enemy. No, we are equipped to tear down the gates of He'll and bring them out.

"Jude tells us to: "Save some by snatching them as from the very flames of he'll itself..."(Jude 23 tlb).

"It's my job and your job to do the saving and snatching. Christ has shed His blood to save sinners. He intercedes on our behalf incessantly. Our part is to pick our weapons and go out against the powers of darkness and drive them off the land."

Intercessory Prayers

Me, I like that part that says, no ministry excels that of intercessory prayers

I like to call this ministry, the action force of God's Kingdom and please this doesn't in any way diminish other ministries.

Let's delve a little into it.


The suckling child seems to teach intercessors a crucial lesson. Don't you remember the sleepless nights that your baby gave you and your spouse? Ah whether you know how to sing(dance) or not, the baby will constrain you into manufacture music and dancing. You will dance to music that is not playing from any radio or speaker even.๐Ÿ”Š ๐Ÿ™‚

You see, how it is said of the Almighty Intercessor that His character in keeping and watching over us is that He neither slumbers nor sleep? He is our pattern prayer warrior. Our example!

The prayer warrior's duty is ALWAYS to birth and nurture life. Just as that baby will "inconvenience" the parents, so our job must inconvenience our flesh, it will take sleep from your eyes, you become alert, alert in the spirit โ€“ because that's where the action is.[ One way or the other, all of us are intercessors]

You don't reject the baby because his cry disturbs your sleep. You are bound by a sense of duty to that little baby, the love you have for him/her makes any inconvenience of no real consequence.

Similarly, there's is a LOVE that keeps us going. Yes, your job as an intercessor, is mostly a thankless job because you are not often seen/celebrated like other departments, but a certain LOVE(only resident in our Father's heart) burns in us like wildfire and keeps us on our duty post.

Hey, we are watchers in actual fact, the safety of a people depends on you.

How we must create space, how we must crave for a refill from above, it is clear that it is He that must be at work in us, if not every effort is meaningless to the one who sent us.

So help us God, in Jesus' name.

Thanks and much love to everyone here and every guest who visits here.

At least in this my new visit, I can spot the respected admin @jongolson and a couple of writers like @artgirl(wow, terrific piece on divorce with some necessary history too) and @sammyhive. Accept my hearty regards.


Good morning[my time]
end 7:50am



Hello and thanks for the compliment on my divorce post.

I agree, we are all intercessors to each other when we pray to God for humanity.


Hi, my pleasure, great learning points in that your post.

Indeed intercession is crucial. How God constrains Himself to intercession before He moves. Was telling someone a few days ago that why will Papa Simeon and a certain woman of God, Anna, labour earnestly in prayers at the temple about something God Himself prophesied will happen? God said Jesus will come, so what the heck?

The reality is that it takes intercession to crystalize prophecies. We must be men and women of the altar, birthing things for God's glory; watchers that rule the earth on their knees.
Thanks for coming over sis.



Thank you for your post. May The Lord continue to enlighten your mind and heart to keep preaching His Truth in Jesus Christ name, Amen.


My pleasure.
Wow it's a big "AMEN" from me sir.

Infact this prayer has summarised my new post. Here it is
