Jesus Himself said, "the last shall become the first, and the first last", so please take heed lest you become so full of yourself.
Erm but enter a certain Rev. Joel Ogebe , as he takes us on a sweet vouyage into the very scripture where Jesus made that utterance, Mt 20:1–16( Summarily, it is that labourers were paid same amount of wages irrespective of number of hours worked).
Rev Ogebe is saying God opened his eyes to see that the lesson here is actually something that has to do with oneness. Something that has to do with a corporate mindset. He says the householder paying a flat rate is him uniting or connecting the work of all the labourers, it's one work! So the labourer who was employed first should be seen as way-maker for others coming behind. The older labourer(s) is paving the way for others upcoming. So it's never about the man in front, it's actually about the progress of the entire body.
So the Reverend says, God told him that that quote above actually means, the first shall be as the last, and the last as the first.
So the man that has gone ahead, eg he has a ministry that could pack stadiums full in Canada, or could almost shut-down the internet if he streams online, has gone ahead for the sake of others behind to follow suit. So packing a huge stadium full means that, the road is open(the potential is available) for so many others behind to pack stadiums full for God's glory.
This applies to everyother sphere authored by God– Politics, Education, Industry, Entrepreneurship, etc.
So rejoice with that God's general in front because, his work is actually connected to your work! The success of his work, is the success of yours too. It's a united work, not a one man show.
In this Kingdom nothing is isolated, success for one is the announcement of potential success for others. So it is wisdom to support and preserve that one who has gone ahead in the labour of our Master.
And for those who have gone ahead(like the first batch of labourers), I remember that complaints came to the householder from this batch(vs 12), they were questioning, something like, "why would new labourers earn same thing as we who've worked for longer hours?"
I think it's also right to give a word of caution to leaders or those who a seniors in this work. Hey sir, don't stiffle the upcomings, don't get jealous of them, give them the ventilation to thrive in God's grace.
There will be no new labourers if there were no old labourers like you, so that's some complement to you, that you have worked hard. Please rejoice that younger folks are rising up, give them the platform, remember it's a corporate thing.
The most important thing is that the work is done, that the master is pleased. It is a united work not a one man show.