
"80% of our diseases are either caused or aggravated by stress"– American Medical Association.

So whether it be minor looking ailments like small-aches and mild-cold or the life-threatening ones like cancer and stroke, they are majorly traceable to stress. Stress indeed weakens ones immune system and that's a big deal.

Renowned Australian speaker and highly respected national statesman, Bill Newman, Ph.D., wrote in his book– 10 Laws of Leadership–
"Spend time relaxing. Holidays or days off are not wasted time. They are called recreation. And you do need to be recreated to be an effective leader."

my phone camera


So my holiday was in keeping with the above quotes. It was a frontal attack on stress and it yielded rewards more than I expected.

I call it such a fun-filled holiday trip. Well, I'm sure it's still called a free world, so what's fun for me may not be a popular opinion.🙂

I found my time away on holiday, sweeter than any Rice krispies, Shawarma, Fried-rice, or any alcoholic beverage. The peculiar thing I experienced is total rest and therefore refreshing– body and soul and spirit. Perhaps words can't explain the robustness and wholesomness of this experience

I have never stayed this long in an enclosure before, away from home and away from work I do; including no phone calls, hardly any sms( and if anyone, not work or even play related).


I packed my bag just before the new year and took a journey to what you may call a guest house. It's actually a high rise building that it actually a retreat centre, where responsible people can come in and pay for a room or rooms if they are more than one. So I checked into a room and paid to stay 7 days. My stay there took me into this year.

They say nothing good comes easy, so it was a time of discipline even in the area of feeding. I mostly stayed with water. I only ate once a day(in the evening) if I must eat and it was always intentionally a protein rich diet. I know from Biology how that proteins repairs things.

me,taken by self

It was a time to holistically reflect on the past year and make non-sentimental appraisal. It was indeed necessary for me to improve on where I scored low marks. Other areas needed total overhauling. I didn't fail to ensure the I did all these on the foundation of prayer and the study of God's word. My pen and book were with me for taking notes.

It's beautiful beyond words how being alone can be a great company to keep. Finally, after necessary appraisals and goal setting for quite some things, I packed my bag and bade the room keeper farewell. It was such a beautiful episode in my life– like I said the longest I have spent holidaying alone.


When I got home, I never knew that what I felt in my holiday inn was just an appetiser. Back home I felt a burst of energy surging through my being. I felt ready to run up a mountain. My mental alertness is sharper now and I feel more prepared to multi-task, as is my line of duty these days. These are experiences that will live with me for very long.

This is my fabulous holiday experience, which I would now love to repeat at the slightest opportunity.

Both pics above: my holiday room

Cheers everyone 👍
