Until a family moves in and makes it a home, it will be a house.
Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. When it comes to talking about what makes a place a home for us, we all have our preferences; for some people, it will always be what the house is made up of, ranging from the cushions, the beds, the kitchen looks, and all that makes them comfortable, and for some, it is the presence of family and loved ones, while for some, it is the location of the house that makes it a home. We can go on and on, and the truth is everyone's reason for calling a place home is valid; no matter what the reason is, you cannot decide or expect everyone to be on the same page with you when it comes to choosing what helps them get that home feeling.
Your reason for calling a place your home might not be because of the looks of the place but because of how you feel whenever you are there; it can be peace, it can be comfort, it can actually be a place where you find solace and a place you always want to run to after a stressful day. A home just has to be that place that makes you feel better and a place where your mood can go from bad to good and a place where you can just be yourself. For a place to be called a home, certain things must be in place, which include that it provides you with peace and comfort, solace, and most of all, makes you happy.
For me, home is a place where I find comfort and peace and is filled with loved ones. I listened to a song by Dax, and he said, *"The house will remain a house until you have your loved ones move in to make it a home." This should tell us more about having loved ones around and the feeling that comes with it. No doubt that sometimes loved ones can be annoying and they can get on your nerves, but without them around, it is only a house and not a home. What makes a house a home is the people living in it; with no one living in it, it is only but a house and a home to no one.
Loved ones can be very annoying, but when you are away from home, you tend to miss them and wish you never left, or when they leave you behind, the house starts to feel empty, and the feeling of home you normally get when they are around starts to fade. When we are with loved ones, we act like enemies sometimes, and sometimes we are all lovely and gentle with each other, but the truth is both times will be memories that will flood our minds when we are apart. So peace, comfort, and having family around is what gives me that home feeling.
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This made me laugh. It’s so true they loved ones can be annoying but that what actually makes us miss them when we’re far away from them.
Together we act like cat and dog, but when we are far away we are all lovey dovey and all. Family is one big drama.
Thanks for stopping by.