Travel, explore, and learn new things.
Hello, everyone.
Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. As humans, the experiences we get living our lives are what shape us into the type of person we become; these experiences teach us the lessons that are not taught in schools, and no professor would ever teach you that, so when life throws certain experiences at you, it is actually left for you to pick the lesson, as it is definitely going to be of use in the future, sometimes not even in the future, as you will start applying the lesson learned almost immediately in most cases.
Life experiences are not always pleasant; sometimes they are bad, but in both cases there is always a lesson to pick. If life experiences were always pleasant, there would be very little to learn from them. As humans, there are certain things we all ought to experience or have a taste of, sometimes not because we want to but because we have to. For me, that one thing everyone ought to have a taste of is travelling. Trust me, with traveling comes a lot of things; there are so many benefits that come with traveling. It exposes you to interaction with people; you get to meet people, make friends, and expose you to the beauty of nature, and all.
There are a lot of things everyone ought to have a taste of, but for me, I feel traveling should be first, then others follow, as traveling helps you to socialize more, connect more, and get acquainted with a lot of things you would not even know exist if you don't travel. It is more like traveling exposes you to things you would not know and might never know if you don't travel. Traveling is a gateway to experiencing a lot of things only travel can offer you.
When I say traveling, I don't necessarily mean traveling the world; you can explore the country too. I have been to different parts of my country, and all my visits came with a lesson. When you travel, you learn about people, their culture, and how they behave. Sometimes you just need to travel and see for yourself instead of hating a group of people because of the stories you must have heard about them; you get to meet different people when you travel, people with high intellect who would help you see things differently. Our country and economy might have made traveling look like a nightmare, but it is not all that bad when you consider the benefits of traveling; it is a lot of packages all in one.
When you travel, you also get to try different dishes; if you don't travel, these dishes will not meet you where you are. I have been fortunate enough to taste different native delicacies belonging to different tribes within the country, and for me, not all are worth the hype they get online. For me, travelling and exploring are things everyone ought to have a taste of; they come with so many benefits other things might not offer you.
I couldn’t agree more, traveling opens up a world of experiences, especially when it comes to trying local dishes. It’s something everyone should experience.
Traveling is like a gateway to seeing life, enjoy it and learn from it.
Thanks for stopping by.
correct, traveling is the thing that broadens our minds