Tolerance has a limit.

Getting on a friend's nerve once in a while is a normal thing amongst friends, but doing it often can be annoying, and you can't tell how much of it your friend can take. One day you get to see a reaction you least expected, and you blame them for it but won't know how you forced that reaction out of them. As friends, we can tease each other and joke around, but there should be a limit as well as a time for teasing and a time to take things seriously.

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I have seen a lot of friendships crumble to the ground, all because a friend does not know when to stop. Friendships are for fun, creating memories, and annoying each other once in a while, but on no account should the annoying of each other exceed the fun. Some friends just have the specialty of annoying everyone around them; sometimes we are forced to condone whatever they do until we no longer can.

Kachi just gained admission to the university. His uncles and aunties told him he cannot do life alone as much as he cannot do university alone. He was advised to make as many friends as possible, and while making those friends, he should make sure they are friends that will help fuel his desire to do well in school as well as push him towards achieving his reason and purpose for leaving home. Kachi, who was not really good with friends, had to take the advice seriously.

Kachi met a guy in class, a guy called Chimezie, and they started talking. Through Chimezie, he got to know a few other people, and they formed a group of friends. They study together, eat together, and move around together. Many people who do not know them very well, thought they were twins, as wherever you see Kachi, you just know Chimezie is somewhere nearby. The friendship was good, and their energy kind of matched, but Chimezie had a few characters that always set Kachi's teeth on edge.

Chimezie was the type of friend that never accepts his fault; instead, he tries to pass the blame or give reasons as to why whatever he did was right, and such a character was a no for Kachi. He tried to get him to change and adjust, but Chimezie was not willing to do that. One day, Chimezie played a bad joke with a girl in class, and she did not only insult him but also the entire crew, making it seem like she had been waiting for the opportunity, and Chimezie brought that opportunity right to her doorstep.

"Chimezie Maybe you shouldn't have joked or talked to Stephanie in that manner; you know how saucy she is to people." Kachi said after they left the class

"Don't I have the right to joke with whoever I wish to joke with because I am your friend, or are you jealous? Chimezie responded

"Being my friend does not stop you from joking around with whoever you wish to joke with, but your jokes shouldn't bring insults to the rest of us, especially me, because I won't take it lightly with you next time." Kachi said it angrily and left.

To make things worse, Chimezie was a loud chewer as well. When Chimezie eats, people from miles away hear the sound and know something is happening. Kachi attended a wedding party with Chimezie and got the disgrace of a lifetime.

"Psssst," Kachi tried to call Chimezie's attention as the whole crowd was looking in their direction.

"Let them look; I have the right to chew how I want to and in whatever way I deem fit," Chimezie responded.

Kachi stood up and left the table angrily, as Chimezie wouldn't stop putting his teeth on edge, and from that day onwards, their friendship got cold.

This is my entry for day 17 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

Thanks for reading my post. Your comments will be greatly appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Even friendship also has limits. Respect and consideration cannot be disregarded just because one is a friend. The more trust, the more respect. Greetings


Chimezie really got on Kachi's nerve with everything he was doing and now their friendship is over. He should have at least found a way to compromise.


Everything has tolerance
But trust me in my own opinion tolerant has no limit.
And yes
Friendship has a limit


Friends are indispensable, they improve our quality of life with joy but sometimes we can't stand the behavior and so it is better to let the waters take their level by themselves. What is important will remain, without a doubt. Thanks for this story, @offia66 don't forget to comment on other stories.


There's a limit to what anyone can endure. Kachi tried his best to advice Chimezie who refused to listen. If chimezie continues this way he'll end up loosing all his real friends.
