The essence of the 3 R's of waste management.
Hello, everyone.
The importance of the 3 R's of waste management cannot be overemphasized; these three R's include: reduce, reuse, and recycle. It is really disheartening to see that many countries, especially African countries, are not taking these 3 R's of waste management seriously, and we have been suffering the consequences. In most cases, we do not even know that what we are suffering is a result of not being big on the 3 R's of waste management. The 3 R's of waste management work hand in hand with each other, and practicing all three or just one does a lot of good to our environment and makes it a lot safer. The problem is that a lot of people do not see how important it is to practice one or all of these R's.
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Practicing one or all three R's reduces the amount of harmful substances that pollute the environment, thereby making it uncomfortable and safe. In many developed countries, waste is reduced, reused, and, in most cases, recycled. To effectively follow the R's of waste management, a lot of money is needed. This is why many underdeveloped countries do not actively follow the R's, but citizens can, in their own small way, practice one or two of these R's of waste management.
A process where the amount of waste produced is reduced to a minimum. Household waste and company waste can all be reduced to the barest minimum. To reduce household waste, the members of the household must learn to reuse house equipment and, if possible, completely avoid the use of disposable utensils. Avoid the use of utensils that are disposed of after every use. For companies and industries, a waste reduction strategy can be implemented.
A process where instead of disposing of or doing away with the item or even condemning it to waste, we get to use it for other purposes. We have so many items that can serve more than just the purpose for which they were bought; we reuse them to serve in other ways, for example, plastic.
This one is on companies and industries, the process whereby wastes are collected and turned into fine finished products. A lot of waste materials, like plastic, paper, clothes, etc, can be collected and recycled into fine finished products instead of being dumped as waste.
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Moving around the house, I came to realize that we have been practicing the reuse R's of waste management. There are lots of items around the house that were bought for a different purpose but are now being used for an entirely different purpose. Plastics are known to be one of the many things that harm our environment, but my family devised a way to reuse every piece of plastic that comes into the house.
image is mine.
We fill these plastics up with water for drinking; the economy is harsh, and buying bottle water or sachet water for an entire family is no longer an option. While we are practicing waste management and saving our environment from plastic pollution, we are also cutting costs.
This is my entry for day 14 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.
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