Mother's Day: My family, my everything.

Hello, everyone.

Family is the smallest unit that makes up a big society; that is to say, different families came together to make up the big society that we are today. Let no one deceive you into thinking that the family you grew up with has little or no effect on you. The truth is, the type of family we grow up in does define how we are going to act and behave in the society. Our behavior in society is totally dependent on the family in which we were raised. A child emulates the elders and only copies what they do, and as a kid, they only see family members often, and whatever they see them doing is what they will grow up to do.

designed in canva.

For any family to stand firmly, it simply means the mother is playing her role perfectly as a mother and carrying out all duties as expected. Mothers are the pillar; even when things are tough, they always find a way to make sure there is food on the table for kids. Mothers are heroes who do not wear cape but always find a way to save the day, mothers are support system to their husbands and without them giving him that support that he needs then his secret is exposed and the whole world gets to know whatever the problem is and this why men are advised to marry a supportive woman. With a supportive woman by your side, half of your problem is already solved.

It is really funny how mothers are problem solvers even more than men in most cases. I've seen my mom calm situations that even my dad couldn't stay calm. In situations where everyone seemed confused and panicking but mom was calm and would bring up a solution that would work and fit the situation perfectly, you will always hear her say don't panic because when you do, you give room for confusion, but when you are calm, you are able to think of a way out faster. This is one trait I got from her, and it has helped me over the years. You just have to learn to be calm in the storm.

my mom.

Today is Mother's Day and a day set aside to celebrate mothers around the globe, but the truth is that a day is not enough to celebrate these heroes. They do deserve to be celebrated every day; their sacrifices just to ensure family growth are one reason their praises should be sung every day. They play a vital role in the lives of the kids, thereby helping to shape their lives. Many mothers are like light; wherever they enter, they shine brightly and affect the lives of everyone around them positively.

my dad, hardly take pictures.

Not to forget that, aside from mothers, other members of the family play a very important role in keeping the family going. The father, uncles, aunties, grandparents, and even the kids play a role in ensuring family growth. For effective family growth, a collective effort is needed. Every member of the family must come together and play a role or two for the family to grow. A happy family is not one without misunderstanding amongst members; instead, a happy family is one that gives room to reconcile and lets peace reign after every misunderstanding. Using this as an opportunity to let them know how grateful I am for the role they played in my life as well as in the family, we have been through the toughest of times together, and it did not break us; instead, it helped strengthen the bond.

Nothing beats the feeling that comes with knowing you have people who have your back and will show up to support you anytime and anywhere. This is why we all need families that are supportive and helpful. If you get yourself a supportive family, you will get every push and support you need without needing to beg or think about how to get it.

This is my entry for day 12 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

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