God came through.


Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. There are certain situations you'd pass through and be tempted to start doubting the existence of the God you serve, but as they say, he works in a mysterious and just when you start doubting, he comes to your aid in a mysterious way, in a way that you least expect. It is his way; he does come through for those who put their trust in him; he never fails; all you need is faith to keep hanging on while he does his thing.

designed in canva.

This prompt made me remember countless times when he came through for me, even when I had already given up. I have shared this story a few times on Hive. First time I ever left home was in 2018, I left home In preparation to secure an admission, I went to write my Post-UTME exams, and after the exams, an uncle suggested that instead of going back home, I should come and live with them since his own kids were still little. I could help keep an eye on them because his wife was working and schooling, and he too was working. Since I had wanted to experience what it was like to live outside my family house, I accepted, but little did I know I was making the worst mistake of my life.

The week I arrived was all sweet and rosy; I got treated right, and I was asking questions: Are my cousins sure it's this woman that all who have stayed with are complaining about how wicked she is? I did not know it was all a welcome party. The following week, things changed. I was no longer given food three times a day, but whenever she liked, she quit working and was now always at home. She was a part-time student who only attended school during the weekend. I can't say if she quit working just to ensure I didn't get to eat anything, but I suspect that was her reason.

It was a new environment; I knew nobody and had nobody to call out to for help. Just when things changed, I lost my phone. There was no way to call home and let them know what I was passing through. Every day was hell for me, without any food, but I am forced to fetch and take over 12 gallons of water upstairs every morning. My uncle was never around, and when you manage to let him know what is going on, she manipulates him, and he tends to agree with her and make you look like a liar. Sometimes I go a whole day without eating anything, and even half of the next day too, I will just be walking on the street half dead and half alive.

I kept praying to God for help because my uncle was not helping. Let me go, but he refused. He became my own Pharaoh; he won't let me go and still won't listen to my pleas. No source of income, nowhere to run to; I even planned to run away, but who runs away without even a penny in their pocket for a start, at least? The previous day, I went to bed hungry and woke up hungry. I did all my chores as expected of me, but there was still no sign that I would be given food. I could feel life leaving my body slowly. I thought that would be my last day😂 because I have never felt that way. The previous day was without food, and the new day is almost gone, and there is still no sign of food anywhere despite all the hard work.

At around 8 p.m, there was still nothing, which means I was going two days with food just drinking water and no solid food, and a visitor came around. My uncle's wife picked up a way bill for him, and despite how hungry and weak I was, she still asked me to take his stuff downstairs. This time around, it was me who was praying that I just fainted on the staircase. Maybe people will get to know what I was passing through from there. After loading his stuff in the trunk of his car and was about to go back upstairs, he called me back and gave me some money. It was about 4,000 naira when I counted it, and that money gave me hope of survival for the next few days. My joy knew no bounds. That night, 4,000 naira made me feel like I was on top of the world, and that feeling meant everything to me.

Thanks for reading my post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I have said it and I'm still saying it " my kids will not live with any body except me" because no one can treat than better than their parents.

So sad what you had to go through😔😔. God bless you for being so strong and coming out of that situation to be able to share the story with us😘
