He is Risen …. Hallelujah in Aramaic 🎶 …


What language could praise, the Lord God, as it suits him?

How about Hallelujah in Aramaic.

The language spoken by Jesus the Nazarene

Yeshua bar Enosh / Jesus the Son of Man. יֵשׁוּעַ בר אנוש

Yeshua ha Notzri / Jesus the Nazarene

Yeshua ha Moshiach / Jesus the Messiah (Christ)

Hallelujah Syriac (Aramaic)


Ayna leshono qoder demshabeh, ly Moryo Alloho, ked kmaleq leh
Aw ayna meltho, qodro demwafyo, u dayno d-ketle a'layna, u Moraydan
Asqo yo d-bi melto fsitto, D-Maderina u dayno rabo D-Ketle a'layna
Elo mu lebo shiqo, w-Maqiko, meltho bassemto kemmina: Halleluyah
Teshbuhto I-Alloho al attawotayde d-lafelan
Halleluyah Ma malake, Di shmayo, ly Moro di Shmayo, w-Di ar'o Kemmina
Mshabhina I-Alloho b-lelyo w-bimomo
Mzamrina u eshmayde, ba sappotaydan d-lo kloyo
Hawka balki, gqodrina d-made'rina, lu Morayday
Mashem'ina leh u qolaydan, qmu kursyayde, u mazi'ono

Hallel hallel hallel hallelunoy, Bar Alloho akmo d-hallel w-halluy
Hallel hallel hallel hallelunoy, Bar Alloho akmo d-hallel w-halluy
'Iray rawmo bgaw Bet-Lhem
'Iray rawmo bgaw Bet-Lhem
Qadish qadish qadish Moryo
Ihidoyo d-alohutho
Qadish qadish qadish Moryo
Ihidoyo d-alohutho
Qadish qadish qadish Moryo
Dadnah forqo I-kul beryotho
Qadish qadish qadish Moryo
Hothem roze danbiyutho
Qadish qadish qadish Moryo
Hothem roze danbiyutho
Qadish qadish qadish Moryo
Qo'yo 'Ito b-haymonutho


Mshiho, dab-yaldeh, farqan men tu'yay
Qabbel teshmeshtan, w-etraham 'layn
Moro d-malake, w-rishay malake
Qabbel teshmeshtan, w-etraham 'layn
Hallel hallel hallel hallelunoy, Bar Alloho akmo d-hallel w-halluy
Hallel hallel hallel hallelunoy, Bar Alloho akmo d-hallel w-halluy

Submitted by Omied LOmied L on 2023-01-24

Hallelujah Syriac


What language could praise, the Lord God, as it suits him?
Or what word, could repay, the debt that the Lord, has paid for us?
It is hard with a simple word, to give back the big debt that he has on us,
But from a broken, and humble heart, a sweet word we say: Hallelujah
Glory to God for his goodness to us!
Halleluja with the Angels, of heaven, to the Lord of Heaven, and from the earth we say,
We praise God night and day,
We sing his name, through our lips unceasingly.
This way maybe, we could give back, to our Lord.
We make him hear our voice, before his seat, the throne.

Hallel hallel hallel hallelujah, Praise the Son of God as in times of old
Hallel hallel hallel hallelujah, Praise the Son of God as in times of old
The angels of the highest in Bethlehem,
The angels of the highest in Bethlehem.
Holy holy holy Lord,
Only begotten of the Father.
Holy holy holy Lord,
Only begotten of the Father.
Holy holy holy Lord,
Our salvation, which is shining for all.
Holy holy holy Lord,
Jewel of secret prophecies!
Holy holy holy Lord,
Jewel of secret prophecies!
Holy holy holy Lord,
The promise of allegiance is true faith!


Christ, by his birth, saved us from misguidance,
Accept our service, and have mercy on us!
Lord of angels, and archangels,
Accept our service, and have mercy on us!
Hallel hallel hallel hallelujah, Praise the Son of God as in times of old
Hallel hallel hallel hallelujah, Praise the Son of God as in times of old


Source: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/hallelujah-syriac-hallelujah-syriac.html

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