After rain comes sunshine ☀️

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The sound of the rain hitting in the tin roof echoes through the small room where Mary was, she covered herself with her rapper because she was filling cold, the rain started dropping in the morning around 8o'clock but now it poured relentlessly, the whole street was filled with the rain, through their window she could see their neighbors taking up their belongings as the rain flow into their house.

The storm of of challenge left her feeling drenched in despair .

Mary sighed and her heart was heavy as she remembers how her parents sudden pass away made her drop out of school by force and made her do minor jobs in other to take care of her younger siblings, her happiness has been replaced by bitterness as she faces the reality of survival.

"Mary" , her younger brother victory called standing by the doorway shivering "I tried stopping the water but it's still entering the house".

She stood up wiping the tears from her face, " don't worry, we will manage as always " she said to her brother.

Together they want to take their belongings to a higher place,their hand were cold, but despite their efforts the rain continued to come up, Mary became more sad saying in her heart long their could suffer like that?.

Later at the afternoon, the rain began to reduce,reducing to a gentle drizzle. Mary step outside to throw away some damages, the wind blow as the moon peeked shyly behind the retreating cloud.

She saw her neighbor 'mama joy' sitting outside their flooded house carrying her little baby who was crying.

She walked straight to her, her feet squelching I'm the mud and she asks "Mama joy, do you need help".
The woman look up, looking worried she answered "my baby's milk has finished and I have nothing to feed her".

Without wasting time she ran into her house grabbing the little rice they manage save and ran back to her neighbor and handed the food to her and said to her "please manage it, it's not much but it will be helpful".

Tears row down the woman's eyes and she bless her saying she have the heart of gold.

As dawn broke, the first ray of sunshine Pierced through the cloud. The streets shimmered with puddles reflecting the golden light. Mary stood by the door,her heart was lighter and bright for the first time in the week, despite the losses,the hardship, she has given someone hope and that gave her hope in return.

She turned to her siblings that was cleaning up their house and said to them that they will be fine that after rain always come sunshine.

After she spoke, the sun came out and the environment became warm and for the first time in a long while Mary smile knowing that she has a brighter day ahead.

At the end, Mary realize that life likewise the weather has it's storm and sunshine, though the rain brought challenge but it also brought out the inner strength and the beauty of human strength. She realize that the rain, no matter how heavy it is will always give way for the sunshine 🌻.

She also realize, In any challenges in life, it give the opportunity to rebuild, to hope, and to grow. Truly, after rain comes sunshine and it's give az brighter hope for the future.


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