The room spoke to me ... Am I going crazy?

I recently made the decision to retire from my job as a receptionist at a real estate company

Where I generated a minimum salary, commissions every month and social security contributions that although many say What is giving money away, I tried 100% to use it as much as I could, the point is that from a very young age I got used to working, I like to be independent to have my money but I have already come to the conclusion that the moment of my retirement has arrived since there is no value as such in the time you invest in your work area.

Apart from this, as I have been telling you, my health has played a very important role in this decision, in addition to that with this virtual education system my little ones need much more attention, I do not feel bad about retiring But I must confess that one morning I got up and said to myself And now what will I do with my life, how will I sustain what I am no longer going to generate, I kept thinking as I looked at the ceiling inside my room ...


When I saw its height I remembered the height of each building of each bridge of each tall structure, I looked perfectly at How each part of the ceiling of my room was created and assembled I can say that while I was looking at it He told me how high I could go but not he will look at the adversities, the obstacles And others, but think how high I wanted to get to where I wanted to achieve and reach.

Then I looked at the window, its width, its shape, but more than this, the radiance that entered through it lifted me up, I leaned against the window and looked at the sky, how beautiful its splendor was, the birds singing with joy, the sun lighting up our morning, the greenery of the trees and plants, the breeze passing by without you being able to see it, just feel it and I remembered through that window the beauty of Freedom the beauty of expression how much you have to admire how wonderful the universe is, all that we can learn of it all that we can do, as long as we realize that all we have in front of us Looking out the window is a world of opportunities

It was as if the window spoke and it will remind me of all the wonderful things that can happen in front of me..

In that I stopped to see the clock its hands, every minute every second as in a small circle can be detailing the time you use, as in that small way it measures the passage of time, and at that moment I heard the clock say value Every second of your life, that time is short, make the most of it and do not waste it, that made me come to my senses a little and realize that the decision I had made had been the best that I am at the perfect and Exact moment, to fulfill many dreams .

To start and not continue in this circle of the rat race in which I saw myself every time I went out to take the bus, then get on the train in long lines, in that course of life a lot of time is wasted.

Then I went through the mirror I looked at myself and observed a woman capable of many things I realized the value that I have, I have learned infinities of things and have worked in many places, and I regret none of them, I always went out for something better I learned and then searched a better position, a better salary, better hours, but when I looked in the mirror I realized that it was time to retire, and not for that, but to start something of my own, something that changes the course of our lives, something in which I can play my knowledge.

It was as if the mirror was telling me "Self-examine yourself" believe in yourself as you always have ... this time, for something much better.

Then I checked the calendar and I realized that many times we live in the past, or in the future, but very few times we live in the present, we almost always remember past things whether they are good or bad, at other times we make future plans, plans long term, but what happened to the present? with him today? or with
Him now? ... it was as if the calendar was trying to tell me

focus today on your present, update your thoughts and put them to work from today.

After this I went to the door, I looked at her since of all things I was receiving a teaching and I thought that the door could not be the exception and in fact she also had something for me.

When I opened it I heard a voice that said ... Open your heart and your mind and fight for each of your goals.
It is incredible I think that the room was put into a conspiracy to encourage me that day, there I remembered that which says "when one door closes many can be opened later" it is not necessary to hold on to a single door when you have many more to open and discover that there is behind them.

I was in awe of the lessons the room was giving me

I decided to look at the floor and without thinking, bend my knees and say Thank God ...

The apartment reminded me how grateful I must be for the opportunities I have had, for my family, for my home, for my children, for my marriage, for what I have been able to learn, for what I can see when I open my eyes for every time I breathe, for every time there are creative ideas in my mind, bending my knees on that floor, made me understand that all the decisions we make must be for the good, and that many times I make the decision to withdraw from a place to go to another in better condition


and that this time it was no different because I am retiring to have a better life.

To have much more time for my family and my children and to create something new Where I can perhaps help other people by generating jobs, but in a different way as I have always dreamed not only Opening doors for me but also Opening doors for other people, giving them that opportunity that they also find the way to be independent people, with a better quality of life updating their mind their thoughts helping them to grow in all areas as I will also ...

So today I thank that talking room that showed me many realities to that ceiling that taught me that I can go far to that window that showed me everything that we have ahead of that clock that invited me to value time to that door that He recalled that there are many doors to open to that calendar that taught me not to live in the past and focus on the present and to that floor where my knees came to give thanks for everything I have and for everything I will have

A talking room sounds strange But stop a moment and analyze everything around you and realize the teachings you have in front of you analyze each step you take each decision you make that is firmly that it is with security and above all that it is for a positive change in your life.

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