My cleaning activities. 26/03/24

Another day comes with a new opportunity and responsibility to keep the planet clean, and habitual thus being free from disease causing micro organism.

I woke up today feeling like to sleep more but I knew I had to get out of the bed because I had something planned for the day.

I did my morning routine, took breakfast and mapped out what I am to do today. After everything, I took my phone and went online to look for a sample of how a CV is, so that I will be able to construct mine.

I got the one I wished to copy and I began work online. After designing and making up my CV, it remained for me to download it. I hit the download button but a page popped up saying I need to buy a weekly or monthly plan before I could download the CV. I went through the process but it required my debit card which I don't have. I transfer money from my account to another and I do not really like the use of a debit card. That became a hindrance, so I had to visit a cyber cafe. I got to the cyber cafe and told them what I wanted to do. The operator there collected my phone and replicated everything there which was really good. After everything, I paid him lesser than the website requested and got my CV.

Now, it is time to go job hunting. Hehe. I hope to get a good paying job, save up some money which I will use to further my education.

Anyways, after making my CV, I went back home, got some rest the I went out to do my cleaning activities.

As you all know, I come out everyday, no matter the wether to clean the planet.

The picture of today cleaning is below.

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