Every body wants to long life in good health, but they pay less attention to healthy living.
The adage "health is wealth," is voiced by many people. We all want to live life to the fullest. Live healthily. See our grand children and great grandchildren, without the need of bending while we walk, or use a walking aid in our old age.
The spread of disease and illness, both communicable and non-communicable diseases, is on a high end.
I remember when I went to Federal medical center for a clinical based experience. The most disease I witnessed was that of the kidney. Acute kidney disease and chronic kidney disease were the order of the day. Diabetes also.
Though some disease can be genetically transfered, it can also be avoided by regular health checkups and through simple means, good personal hygiene practices.
We live in a world where microbes are rampant. A little mistake can land a person in the intensive care unit.
Food poisoning, diarrhea, and many other unhealthy lifestyle, even lack of sleep, can equally get a person straight to the hospital.
As underated as it may sound, adequate personal hygiene can help reduce the risk of many deadly diseases.
It is not much to do. When I was in primary school, we were taught the importance of personal hygiene.
Taking care of the ear, nose, mouth, eye, washing hands before and after a meal, excellent toileting habit, and many others, are preventive measures to take in other to avoid landing in the hospital.
I was once a victim of an unhealthy practice.
In my area, food traders sale a type of tomato. Tomatoes that got spoilt as a result of the weight pressing on it, during transportation.
Some of the tomato, begin to get rotten but the traders, not willing to surfer any loses, bring it to the market to sale it at a very cheap rate.
As a student with limited financial supply, I resorted to buy the cheap tomato, which I used to make rice.
I divided the tomato into two parts, one for the rice, and the other, I will preserve for another food.
I finished preparing the rice, and filled my stomach.
It wasn't up to 5 hours that I finished eating, I began to have diarrhea.
Thinking it's something minor, I took some antibiotic and Oral Dehydration salt.
Gradually, the diarrhea became clear water, without no control.
As the minute went by, so did my strength left me.
Hurriedly, I went to the hospital with the aid of my friend.
Upon reaching the hospital, all my strength was lost, as the diarrhea continued. Nothing was there, just clear water. As if my body was letting go of all the water it has.
I was with the doctor when I began to loose consciousness. Very tired, I decided to rest, and I slept off.
After a while, I woke up to see that I was hospitalized. All thanks to my friend that covered the bills, and informed my parents about the incident.
After I woke up, I gave history of what happened.
I stayed in the hospital for about three days. I drank no water for the three days. The only thing I was given was IV infusions to help rehydrate me, as my GIT continued to repair itself.
It was a very bad experience, which could have been avoided if I went for thr expensive and good tomato. But then, the did is done, more money spent on hospital bills, and the lessons have been learnt.
Prevention, they say, is better than cure. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and practice personal hygiene. It is very important.
Thank you for reading 😊
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