NUTRITIONAL DISORDER (N.D.) definition introduction class sources functions digestion and absorption DEFINITION: nutritional disorder maybe as a result of deficiency all the sickness element illness etc. that can arise in the in the features of a particular nutrient or excess of a particular nutrient or they are nutrient related conditions that arise due to the excessive or inadequate intake of food and nutrients or does disease or illness or disorders or elements or conditions that occurs when a person's dietary intake does not contain the right amount of nutrients for healthy functioning either more than the body's requirements or less than the body's requirements nutritional disorder in other words are caused by:
- insufficient and or of certain nutrients
- By an inability of the body to absorb or use up the nutrients
- overconsumption of certain food and nutrients. Nutritional disorder can manifest in two forms which are as follows:
- As overnutrition
- undernutrition or malnutrition or deficiency disorder OVERNUTRITION:overnutrition is a common condition mostly seen in developed countries like you America Asia of which obesity is the most common. Why undernutrition is a condition commonly seen in developing countries like Africa are mostly affect children below five years although it can be seen at poverty-stricken adults as well as areas where there is poor food supply such as famine. nutritional disorder in general are very serious conditions in growing children's especially under 5 years as they interfere with their growth and development and play dispose them too many health problems. NUTRITIONAL DISORDER DUE TO OVER NUTRITION: there are many of them that occurs due to excess intake of food and nutrients but the most commonest among them is obesity and hypervitaminosis. OBESITY:it is a medical condition and also nutrients related condition in which excess body fat accumulate in the body such that it has an adverse effect on individuals health or to an extent that it has a negative effect on individuals health giving rise to many health problems and reduced life expectancy or it can also be defined as a condition in which the natural energy reserve stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals arouses to a point where it is associated with certain health problems or a condition where the body mass index(BMI) of an individual weighs more than 30 kg/m². To a layman obesity simply means excess fat. the branch of medicine that studies about obesity and its management is bariatrics. Obesity is quite different from overweight or though but it is often used interchangeably because in both of them the individual weight is greater than what is considered normal from his age and height. an overweight individual weighs more than what is considered normal from his size and weight but without body fat. This weight rather comes from the stretches muscles as well as the bones or the body's water but not from fat. But and obesity individual weighs more with a high degree of body fat another difference and their BMI as an overweight individual has a BMI between 25 to 29.9 kg/m² WHILE an obessed individual has BMI of 30 kg/m² and above. DIFFERENT WAYS OF ASSESSING AN INDIVIDUAL TO RULE OUT OBESITY ARE AS FOLLOWS:- there are many ways by which an individual can be assessed to find out if he or she is overweight or has a normal weight or has a healthy weight or is obessed. 1. The use of BMI (Body Mass Index) 2. Waist circumference 3. The use of MUAC(Mid-Upper Arm Circumference) mostly used for children or very lean adult or cachexic adults. Cachexia here is a general state of ill-health involving marked weight loss and muscle loss. BMI means body mass index. It is a measure of body fat based on the individual's height and weight that applies the adult men and women. It is the most widely used method to assess an individual's weight the success statistical measurement usually derived from an individual's height and weight or it is a person's weight in KG / the square of height in metres or an individual's weight in kg divided by the height of the individual in m² interpreted as thus BMI= weight in KG÷ height in m² . If the BMI falls below 18.5kg/m², the individual is considered underweight and needs to be placed on balanced diet to boost the weight but if the individual's BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.9kg/m², the individual has a normal weight. Between 25 to 29.9kg/m² , the individual is considered overweight, from 30kg/m² and above , the individual is obessed. _Grade 1 or mild obesity is from 30-35kg/m² _Grade 2 or moderate obesity is from 36-40kg/m² *Grade 3 or severe obesity is from 40kg/m² and above. E.g calculate the BMI of an individual who's weight is 60kg and hight is 1.65m² and grade him/ her Solution: BMI=wt(kg)÷ht(m²)Grading:- The individual is moderately obessed.