The Road To Death (Destruction)
Wassup my people in the house , I bring you greetings from the deepest place in my heart....
I cherish, value and appreciate all your efforts in making and keeping this group to be always active.........I won't forget to always appreciate the moderators of this community and also @ayakaliman who lead me to my teacher @ovey10. let me safe us the long explanation but am really grateful for everyone who has contributed in any form so that I become a better person on this space.
For today I want to bring us the a topic of discussion but I will state clearly my own points and if you have any corrections or observations let's me in the comments section.
What I have on board today is tittle The road to destruction.
From the Oxford dictionary distraction is defined "6" Whole road from my perspective I define it as the path way to success or doom.
Let me quick say a few things on this topic, well destruction here in my context can lead to your end e. g death, it can lead to a fall that you might not raise again, or you will be put at a point were you be stocked forever....
Destruction here must must need mean physical disaster or damage......
it implies but to economic, emotional, spiritual and psychology damage.....
Note: Destruction can either be irreversible or reversible... Some adjustments can put you back into place....
The following are some of the roads that can lead to Destruction (death)
(1) Disobedience: Looking from the view of the bible in Genesis the fall of man began with the first recorded ever from the time memorial the sin of disobedience, Eve firstly listen to the serpent the later convinced the house to join the foolishness Without minded to know the consequences, Note this; if you must remain at the top, Never break any of the rules governing either your place of work, A business deal, e. t. c.
Because you may not know the weight of the consequences until you become a victim.. Now till man is still struggling to be fully redeem both not for grace.....
Let's look at another character in the bible named "King Saul" because of impatience he could not wait for the prophet "Samuel"and breaking if the instructions of not carrying any of the spoils he lost his throne, Who's know if he kept clean Jesus Christ the messiah would have come from his lineage and not that of Jesse?
come back to the social world when we were kids, our always deal with the devil in us, Most we would even wonder if they were our true parents............
Even in school defaulters are dealt with massive torture....
(2) Pride: This one if not by God's mercy the young a trying to make it a norm.......
Most people think it's only the poor that are supposed to humble, or you need to be humble if you depend on that person or you would seek favor some day.
Some feel as long as I have the money I can take care of myself pay my bills i have a good financial status therefore they are fully covered and immune against falling or failing but it's the other way round, The holy book says we should boast for nothing......,..
(3) Envy; I will be making many references to the bible today which says study to show thy self approved,and also said we should seek knowledge,again relating with the parable that seed a master gave his servants talent. To one he gave 5 talents,other 3, and the last he gave 1 talent.
Taking view from my own side the one that was given one talent was seeing how others were making progress but refuse to seek to know how there are making progress rather became angry that they found favour in the eyes of their master, Lest draw point (4) of this topic from this story again which "LAZINESS" Yes life would not give you what you deserve never.....
But can give you what you demand,from proven results we are on this platform form called hive because our here refused to be lazy he put his mind to work....
Today many person's are making ends meet from it.Wake up if you have been sleeping if Try again if you have failed severally you just learnt the negative approach to what you are about to achieve.........
Lust: When I say lust is not limited to Opposite sex only ,some person's are lusting after materials things the money you are supposed to use to invest and better yourself or start up a business you are just after getting clothes,shoes e .t.c.
Hear this whatever that thing doesn't contribute to ur source of income is not important until you have capacity To leave a luxurious life.Take it or leave it.
This is my little contribution to see how we can better ourselves..........
#cheers so you all on the blue side.....
Yeah I can't over emphasize on the following: Lust, disobedience, envy and so on you've listed out in your write up. I attest the fact that once is not obedience to instructions it can lead him into destruction likewise the other factors listed above play same role that can lead one to destruction.
Wow wow. Thank you for this thought provoking piece here. They you itemized those factors that leads to death is worth giving attention to. Thank you for sharing this.
This is a really deep and important message! The choices we make can lead us to success or destruction. I like how you explained that destruction is not just about physical damage but can also affect our emotions, finances, and spiritual life. We must avoid things like pride, laziness, and envy to live better lives. Thank you for sharing this wisdom it's a great reminder for everyone to stay on the right path!
Humility is the way of wisdom and knowledge, it's not for who's famous or richer, it's for anyone that wants to thrive better on earth. Humility opens the gate to many possibilities..
Thank you for sharing this with us.
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