Mother's day 2021 | The start of a new exciting phase in our family's life!

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We almost forgot about Mother's day this year

I accidentally read about it just days ago and told my boyfriend about it, lol. Not because I want to get some gifts or anything, but because I know the little lady is very much into making it a special day and all proud of what she creates. It's the thought that counts in the end, and I keep all the things she crafts or draws.
This year, it was a last minute drawing that she made before going to bed yesterday, but I promised I'd not look while she was drawing it, and therefore it was a big surprise when she was standing at my bed this morning all excited to present me her gift.

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This was the drawing she made for me and the top image of the drawing was one of the sides of the envelope :) The other side had some written text on it where she tried writing something. It includes her name so I'm leaving that side out.. It was very sweet and I will keep it with her other mother's day creations.

Faces with emotions

Did you notice the happy faces on the drawing of the envelope? She drew us (left daddy out this time oops) and we are smiling because we love each other she said. <3 Sweet isn't it? :) Filled with love as you can see and even a gift box as well!
The drawing came with a tiny breakfast in bed, which was fine as it's more the thought that counts anyway, I don't like being in bed and eating breakfast, but it's nice that they always prepare something when it's mother's day. She totally loves it when they are being secretive about it, it's cute.

Today is the start of a new phase in our lives!

The moment we've been looking forward to for quite some time now, as it needed some preparation and also a notice period at the company where my boyfriend worked. This is the moment he's not employed anymore. He officially has a few holidays left, but as all the working equipment is back at the company, it sure feels as if this phase in his professional career has now ended. He has been working there for two years and had high hopes for the future, it's probably not helping that covid came into the world, but therefore he took matters into his own hands. Back to being an entrepreneur!

Chaos at first, but things will get better soon, hopefully!

Some paperwork needs to be arranged at first, which is a bit of a headache normally, but it seems that we are just in luck as my accountant told me that the government offices will be open without appointment again this week. Currently, we're waiting for a big package from the business partner as he sent my boyfriend all he needs to start working, like 2 big monitors and a docking station. The package should arrive any day now and then it's just counting down until next month to actually start as an entrepreneur again.

Exciting weeks ahead, but not worried a bit about the eventual outcome, it will only get better from here. Being employed as he had been the past years has held him back from using his full potential tremendously and I can only see him getting happier once all is working smoothly. Some people are meant to be entrepreneurs and he's one of them.

So today we celebrate the kick-off of a new era, only upwards from now one :)

Wishing all the lovely Hive-mama's a wonderful mother's day <3
