Photograph Captures Moments
Legend has it that Photographs are one of the most valuable assets we could leave in this world for ourselves and our generations, even after we are gone out. I don't care what anybody has to say about this, but I believe with a good camera and a glowing day, everybody loves to take pictures.
Who doesn't want to capture beautiful moments and freeze them into memories? Just with the click of a camera, you might have saved something for the next generation to smile about.
Have you ever heard of an "accidental masterpiece"? I don't know where I got that word from, or maybe I am just looking for big words to match my deepest expressions, lol. But have you ever captured a picture of great quality by mistake, and boom! it became your favorite? That's what am talking about.
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I have had the opportunity to take some of these accidental masterpieces. And the two pictures above are a good example of my work. Yeah, they might not be the brightest or clearest of pictures you would see today, but they certainly have a special place in my heart.
I wasn't expecting to get everything on point, I just stretched out my phone's camera, closed my eyes, and clicked. The first picture always makes me smile because it captures the rising sun in its full glory.
Some old pictures bring back the same rushing feeling as the moment when we took them. Not all pictures are intended to make us smile, some would make us cry. But the most important things are the memories they carry.
Am a photograph lover and I welcome you into my camera roll hall of fame, where every slight moment of my life is captured. Sometimes when I scroll through my gallery, I marvel at the quality moments that have passed, and sometimes I begin to question when I took this picture.
To you, the image above might just be a river, but to me, it speaks alot about the beauty of nature. Looking at this picture, I just can't help but marvel at the creation of God's hand. Looking at the rays of light from the heavens to earth, my imagination wouldn't help but travel to lands beyond this world.
And to think that I don't really remember the day I took this picture was funny to me. I couldn't remember the moment I took a photograph that was taking my thoughts out of this world, but the impact of that unknown moment is still impacting my life today.
This goes to show that photographs speak more than moments. No wonder the saying "A picture can speak more than a thousand words." So, next time your finger slips to take pictures, remember you might just be on the verge of creating an accidental masterpiece.
Here's another masterpiece I took on the first day to my village after about 15 years of not visiting home. As the boat approached the village, I brought out my phone and took some pictures, and whenever I looked at these pictures, I smiled at the memories that followed as I arrived home.
This goes to show that while most masterpiece moments happen accidentally, some moments captured on camera were planned and executed for future purposes. These are the type of moments that makes you smile at your screen as you stare because sweet memories are rushing through your brains
Why does it seem like old images are the most valuable? I guess because they're like fine cheese, aging gloriously, carrying in them real-life emotions and memories. If I wanted to continue sharing some masterpieces here with us, we wouldn't finish today.
It's just so sad that some people are camera-shy, or just don't see the need to take pictures. Reading through this little piece, you must have seen a need to start snapping or joining on photo shoots.
So the next time you hear “Say Cheese!”, join in with a smile. You’re not just sharing photos; you’re crafting legendary artwork for the future.
My entry for day 18 of the InLeo monthly prompt, organized by. You can check out the link here for participation.
All images used in this post are mine.
I appreciate your time around here❤️:-)
Posted Using InLeo Alpha