Acqua di San Giovanni, the ritual suspended between Catholicism and superstition. ( ENG/ESP)

The night of San Giovanni in Italy is a beautiful celebration very famous especially in Tuscany, celebrated on the night between 23/24 June on the eve of the celebration of San Giovanni Battista, this festival is obviously Catholic but has very pagan implications due to ancient tradition and superstitious, not at home almost coincides with the summer solstice. In many countries during this celebration it is customary to light large bonfires and fires, Florence is still one of the most famous cities for the fires of San Giovanni, however the origin of this tradition is pagan and recalls the large bonfires set up for the solstice in summer. Obviously during San Giovanni there are masses dedicated to the saint and in various parts of Italy and the world different types of celebrations.

One of the home traditions of this festival is preparing the water of San Giovanni, belief has it that if you prepare a container or basin of water by filling it with wild flowers collected on June 23rd and leaving it outside the window on the night of San Giovanni, the The dew that settles there will make that water magical and give it purifying properties, which is why the next morning it should be used to wash your face and hands, an ancient reference to the practice of baptism. Having small window sills but not wanting to give up tradition, I decided to be creative and use instead of a basin a bottle of water cut in half filled with flowers that I had picked in the afternoon while walking through the fields around my village. The next day I obviously washed my face and hands, what scented water! This is a little tradition that I really enjoy and do every year. Happy Saint John's Day everyone!


La noche de San Giovanni en Italia es una hermosa celebración muy famosa especialmente en la Toscana, se celebra la noche del 23/24 de junio en vísperas de la celebración de San Giovanni Battista, esta fiesta es obviamente católica pero tiene implicaciones muy paganas debido a las tradiciones antiguas. Tradicional y supersticiosa, no en casa casi coincide con el solsticio de verano. En muchos países durante esta celebración es costumbre encender grandes hogueras y hogueras, Florencia sigue siendo una de las ciudades más famosas por las hogueras de San Giovanni, sin embargo el origen de esta tradición es pagano y recuerda a las grandes hogueras que se encendían con motivo del solsticio. en verano. Obviamente durante San Giovanni hay misas dedicadas al santo y en varias partes de Italia y del mundo diferentes tipos de celebraciones.

Una de las tradiciones caseras de esta fiesta es preparar el agua de San Giovanni, se cree que si se prepara un recipiente o palangana con agua llenándolo con flores silvestres recolectadas el 23 de junio y dejándolo afuera de la ventana la noche de San Giovanni, el rocío que allí se deposita hará que esa agua sea mágica y le dará propiedades purificantes, por eso a la mañana siguiente conviene utilizarla para lavarse la cara y las manos, una antigua referencia a la práctica del bautismo. Como tenía alféizares pequeños pero no quería renunciar a la tradición, decidí ser creativo y usar en lugar de una palangana una botella de agua cortada por la mitad llena de flores que había recogido por la tarde mientras caminaba por los campos alrededor de mi pueblo. Al día siguiente obviamente me lavé la cara y las manos, ¡qué agua perfumada! Esta es una pequeña tradición que realmente disfruto y hago todos los años. ¡Feliz día de San Juan a todos!


The way you’ve adapted the tradition with the bottle is so creative dear. Wow I actually think washing with the fragrant flower water would be extra cool. Definitely a wonderful way to start the day.


This description of the Night of San Giovanni in Tuscany is enchanting! The blend of Catholic and pagan traditions makes it such a unique celebration. I love the idea of the water of San Giovanni and how you've adapted the tradition with creativity. It's heartwarming to see how these customs continue to be cherished and practiced. Happy Saint John's Day to everyone!🌸
