Crocodiles of the Tárcoles river. Costa Rica
The Tárcoles River is one of the longest and mightiest rivers in Costa Rica, but it also has the shameful title of the most polluted river in the country. Its tributaries drag the waters from the most urbanized areas in the center of the country, until they flow into the central Pacific of the province of Puntarenas, bringing with them a large amount of plastics, sewage, and heavy metals. It is a hostile environment for most of the fauna that inhabits its waters, but there is an animal that has managed to adapt successfully to these conditions.
The American crocodile (Crocodrylus acutus) is one of the largest predators that lives in the waters of Costa Rica, they can reach 5 meters in length. Not only can they be found in rivers, they are also common in estuaries, mangroves, and the sea. It is an animal that has changed little in millions of years, adapting to changes in the environment and it is this characteristic that has allowed it to survive also in highly polluted waters.
The bridge over the Tárcoles river, near its mouth, is one of the main places where these animals can be easily found. Here the crocodiles have changed their behavior, as it is normal for them to flee from human presence. However, for years, in this place crocodiles have been fed as tourist purposes, this has caused them to lose their fear of people and accumulate in large groups.
Currently, the site is visited by a large number of national and foreign tourists, who can observe these imposing animals from the top of the bridge or on boat trips. However, the overconfidence of some has caused accidents, because despite everything, crocodiles have not lost their predatory instinct.