If You Have Recovered from Covid-19 YOU DO NOT NEED A VACCINE!
If you have previously contract covid-19 novel coronavirus, you DO NOT NEED A VACCINE, you have antibodies already doing the work for you. The immune system has already made its own natural vaccine, you beat the virus.
Although you could get the virus again, it would be a quicker recovery, and even more antibody development for your immune system.
You can beat the virus with just Vitamin D12 & calcium, imagine what you can do with antibodies!
Counterfeit Vaccine Certificates Logically Cant Exist
Imagine being so dense you thought a vaccine was known to prevent covid-19 to a 99.998% accurate science. You'd be stupid easy to trick into a forged vaccine passport. If the TV and a couple sensationalist internet ads convinced you to get a vaccine, imagine how easy a liar would find you to manipulate.