Vegetarian practices

Vegetarianism is a healthy lifestyle that most people have come to embrace. Some practice it due to health reasons; perhaps a doctor advised that such a person should abstain from meat for one reason or another. Some people embrace vegetarianism for religious reasons; they believe that killing animals for food is morally wrong.


I grew up seeing many people raising and killing animals for food, and I didn't think this was something wrong until a few years ago, when I began to hear more about vegetarianism and people's diverse beliefs about it. This practice is becoming more popular, even among young people in our society today. I remember having a roommate back then in my tertiary education days who practiced vegetarianism. At first, I felt it was because she doesn't have money to buy meat, but I became curious when I later found out that her parents are actually rich, so why is she always eating without meat? Her meals are mostly fresh veggies devoid of animal products, including eggs and milk, and her skin looked like someone that her dog licks daily, so fresh and glowing that she hardly falls sick. When I summoned courage to ask her why she is always eating without meat, she said it's against her beliefs and that it's morally bad to kill animals for food.

Personally, I practice vegetarianism sometimes in my home, but I am more of a non-vegetarian person. I see these animals as just animals, and I don't see killing them for me to eat as cruel. Everyone is entitled to their opinion anyway, but this is my viewpoint. As much as I feel bad killing goats and chickens for meat occasionally, I don't think I am being cruel because they aren't human beings. They are sources of proteins, which contribute to my balanced diet.

I practice vegetarianism occasionally in my home because it's a healthy lifestyle. Imagine consuming fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, etc.; the nutritional value can keep one's immunity healthy and free from hospital trips. This practice improves healthy living, which is another reason why I ensure that my kids love veggies the most. I see it as a pretty nice approach to introducing kids to vegetables at an early age, as they will adapt easily to healthy eating habits!

Do you practice vegetarianism to avoid being cruel to animals? Or due to religious or health reasons? My husband stopped eating meat a long time ago because his doctor said so. I am a lover of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian practices, and I do not criticize others about their choices as long as they're not causing harm to them.


Life is a choice, including what we eat. People should choose whatever works well for them, either non-vegetarian food or vegetarian food. Come to think of it, this practice of killing animals for food has been in existence for ages. It's really difficult to get over this old tradition in different countries. However, I am looking forward to the time when we may see an end to cruelty, but for now, we can't force anyone to make their own choices, as every human being has their own preferences.

Finally, have you heard about the monthly prompt from the Inleo community?


Kindly check out the announcement post here to get involved. This is my entry to the #MarchInleo monthly topic Day 19

Thank you for reading.❤❤

Image 1 here
Image 2 is mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


you are right. It is a lifestyle choice but not an easy one to follow.


Yea... not so easy to follow
I can only practice that once in a while
Can't think of avoiding meat all my life


Being a vegetarian helps a lot because veggies are good for us. At the same time, some of us just like you are non-vegetarians
I’m not a fan


Yea... although it's a healthy lifestyle, it's actually difficult to practice. Hehe


I think vegan diet is good but lacking in some nutrients which are not commonly seen in plant sources.

There are also grades to these vegetarian diets, those who don't take any animal food at all and those who can take just egg or just milk, etc.

As for me, I don't really practice vegetarian diet except occasionally.


Oh..I see, some vegans do take eggs and milk? That's fair enough if I am to practice it


Yeah, some of them do take those.
