Navigating Misunderstandings in Relationships: Lessons Learned and Growth Opportunities

There comes a time when people in relationships go through a rough patch filled with misunderstandings and lovers quarrel. Sometimes, there seems to be a sign of growth in the relationship after a particular misunderstanding you had with your partner. I think it's common to have misunderstandings sometimes in a relationship, but what matters is your ability to reconnect, learn, and grow after a misunderstanding.


I have had this experience in the past with my relationship, and since today is Valentine's Day, where lovers express their affection for their partner, I wish to share my experience regarding this subject. After all, I haven't seen a love without misunderstanding. There are always ups and downs between two lovers or humans raised in different family backgrounds with different upbringings and perspectives about life.

Love is a beautiful thing, and what most people look out for when getting into a romantic relationship with anyone is compatibility. Even with compatibility, misunderstandings surface at a point, leading to emotional distance between partners. When I got married early, I approached lovers quarrels wrongly, and it did make the matter worse most times; however, it became a lesson to me. Back then, whenever I was having issues with my husband, I would call either his friend or his family members, reporting the issues to them without making an attempt to resolve them first. My husband feels embarrassed most times when he receives a call from any of his family members or friends confronting him about our issues. One day, he sat me down and expressed his feelings about my approach to conflict resolution. He reminded me that those people I complain to have their own issues but never carry them out outside, so why me? I must admit my wrongs back then. I reflected on what he said, and I started reading books on relationships, where I got many answers to my relationship.


I am better today and approach love quarrels in a more mature manner, experiencing growth in the process. One of the ways I handle misunderstandings in my relationship is by first giving each other time and space to cool off from our emotions, and by the time I am calmer, I will come to the realization that my partner is not perfect and thus seek to resolve the issues. I will take my time to think through what transpired and how I got to where we are with the issues. In that quiet moment of my life, I will discover where I got things wrong or where it's my partner's fault. Quite moment after a misunderstanding is a must for me since I learned about it. I must have said what ordinarily I shouldn't have said (spoken words cannot be retrieved) out of emotions, or I must have acted wrongly too. If I find myself guilty after the reflection, I will initiate a communication expressing myself, talking through the issue, and genuinely apologizing. If, after my reflection, I discover that it's actually my partner's fault, I will still initiate communication, expressing myself and making him realize his mistakes. The reason I usually take this step is that sometimes my partner sees an apology as a chore, and waiting for him to do so may linger the issue, which is not healthy for our relationship. I don't know about others, but I do get him to realize his mistake and apologize.

So far, we have been understanding ourselves better through adequate communication even after a misunderstanding, thus experiencing growth for a healthier relationship.

How do you handle misunderstandings in your own relationship? Kindly share with me in the comment section.

Before I sign out, happy Valentine's Day to you. Remember to stay positive always🤗🧡❤️


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Relationships are quite complex but when there is true love that's when they work. It's not easy to find it, in fact I can say that I haven't achieved it yet.

By the way, I would like to mention something important:
I think it is counterproductive to use bold in a whole block of text. It makes it very difficult to read, so it is recommended to use it sparingly.

On the other hand, it is advisable to use paragraphs to reduce the text load and thus the reading is much more fluid.


Ahhh!!! Complaining to family members is ok but friend is too much. You shared your personal life problem to an outsider. According to my current immature mind I feel I would go for a separation with that kind of life partners. Fortunately you realized it but if I were in your husband place I might not give you too much time for the realization.


Haha 😆😆 you sound like a strict husband 🤔🤔

Hello intishar? Haha 😆😆😂


Haha, @intishar you harsh o. 😄
Though its wrong bringing in a third party but in some homes, a friend would help them resolve issues, while some jealous family members would scatter things more. Especially those ones who had a different lady in mind for their brother. Its best to just dialogue with your partner. The service of both friends and family member should not be employed. Except on grievous issues the couple can not handle


Communication keeps relationships growing. Without it, things might escalate. When it comes to couples having misunderstandings, they should resolve it together instead of inviting a third party which is called "Fifth columnist" I learnt this from "the five love languages" by Gary Chapman. There are lots of things to learn from that book and that made me understand some things about relationships. Communication is something important in relationships.


Wow .that book is calling me to read it
Communication does a lot in relationships and should always be embraced


Communication is the key in the relation
Thank you for this informative article


Mama!!!! This your post is enlightening. I am learning a lot too. I am not married yet but we don’t let the sun go down with our misunderstandings. I have also learned not to involve third parties and it has been an amazing ride so far. Thank you for this knowledge mama.


You have learned nice things to make your relationship a smooth ride
I should have known better before marriage but it's all a lesson for good
Inappropriate your visit Deraaa


This is very commendable. I laughed when you said your partner views apology as a chore. Misunderstanding happens a lot in relationships. For me, i try not to say words that I will regret later. But on days that he feels offended with the little i said I also apologize. When he is wrong, i try to make him see it. If he apologizes, we move. But if he becomes defensive, i leave it till he is calm. Sometimes, even texting him my mind. In all, we know we cant stay mad at each other for long, else we will not be setting good example for the kids. God is the ultimate who helps relationships thrive. And when both partners know they are in for a life-long relationship, they try their best to settle issues. Letting a third-party in worsen things, really.


Wow .. your approach to handling misunderstanding is amazing as well
Setting a good example for the kids is very important too cos they are watching and learning from us
Thanks for reading and for your nice response


Love has lots of things entangled within it. Misunderstanding should be addressed and settled immidiately especially in marriages. I love the fact thay your husband sat you down to express how he feels about it, the problem is half solved already.

Waiting a little bit for each other to be cool is very good approach. My parents would not say anything about each others mistakes till midnight (we hear them discussing and trying to settle matters).

Constant communication between lovers helps nullify every assumptions, conclusion and possible fight.
