Battle Mage Secrets: Noxious Fumes
The battle challenge ruleset this week is Noxious Fumes. In this ruleset, all monsters are poisoned at the start of the game. Immunity, Cleanse, Heal, and Scavenger are all abilities one should consider making use of in this ruleset.

The battle I chose to showcase is a 58 mana brawl match with the Opportunity, Noxious Fumes, and Weak Magic rulesets. Fire, Earth, Life, and Dragon were the splinters available to play.
Here is a link to the battle:
Since this was a huge mana match, I chose the Dragon splinter and paired it with the Life splinter. I chose a beasty tank with self-heal. In second position I placed a monster with the lowest health on my team knowing that with the Opportunity ruleset all my opponents monsters would target it first. It has 10 Armor so in this Weak Magic ruleset all attacks will have to go through them. In addition, it has Immunity so it will not be affected by the poison. I also have another monster with the Resurrect ability. Hopefully my second position monster will be first to die since it has 10 Armor when resurrected.
Start of Battle / Round 1
My opponent chose the Fire splinter. They have several heavy hitting Melee monsters. Some of them have pretty low health.
Round 2
During the first round, I was able to defeat my opponents lowest health monster which I felt fortunate to do since it had a speed of 7. Luckily for me, my second position monster has survived with just one health. It can still regain some Armor from my healer and even when it does get wiped out it will still be resurrected once.
Round 3
During the second round, I defeated a couple more of my opponents’ monsters.
Round 4
After the third round, my opponent has only a couple monsters remaining. Things are looking good for me.
Round 5
Only one monster to go.
Overall my strategy worked for this match. In this Opportunity ruleset, my opponent never was able to fully defeat my lowest health monster. This was as a result of its Armor, Immunity, and being resurrected. In addition, my first position tank was powerful enough to withstand my opponents first position tank as well as the poison each round.
In general, Noxious Fumes is not my best ruleset. I am often indecisive, especially in smaller mana matches. For example, deciding whether or not I should choose a tank with Immunity or a tank without it and then rely on a monster with the Cleanse ability. But in general I have found it best to use as many monsters as possible with abilities that can counteract the fumes.

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