A day of work a radiant sunshine putting into practice my Purpose for 2024.



Hello friends, how are you? the week is coming to an end, Thursday January 18th, what are you planning to do this weekend? I'm going to stay home, I don't have any plans, this is my first publication in this Silver Bloggers Community, the vacations are over, we have to get back to the routine, I work for the air force of my country and this week the workday started.

Yesterday, just one day before going to work, the electric fan of my cart was damaged, so I had to use public transportation. It is summer time, the heat is strong and the sun feels like it burns you, I have to walk from where the bus leaves me to the office, at the entrance of the military base there is an old airplane.




While I was walking a family of owls were like in a hole I didn't want to get too close when they felt my presence they were very excited they were small they didn't let me take pictures so I left them alone at last I arrived at the office thank God the air conditioning works I worked for a while just because the power went out and when that happens we know it is for hours because they ration the electricity but that is another topic it was very little that can be advanced.

During lunch I was talking with some coworkers and among the many things we talked about, it came up the wishes and purpose for this year 2024 and mine is not to complain about the things in life, problems arise daily and even some of them seem that they can not be overcome, I tell you something, this year started quite complicated, my car was damaged, I had my savings repaired, riding public transportation is not easy because of the shortage of fuel, the water pump of the house burned and so many situations that have happened to me this week, but I decided not to complain.


There is nothing more uncomfortable than talking to a person who complains about everything, but that does not mean that I am a conformist as a co-worker told me because what do I gain by complaining that my car is damaged, complaining does not solve the problem, the weather will change, I focus more on finding the solution to the problem, there are situations that are out of our hands, complaining fills you with negative feelings I ran away from people who complain about everything and for nothing, we must be grateful for the privilege of seeing a new dawn, for our health.

On the way back I did the same route with an even stronger weather to get home it all depends on the attitude people complain about everything if it is hot it is because it is hot and if it is cold it is the same, my daughter came home from college complaining because she had to walk I was silent after I drained all her frustration I told her instead of complaining be thankful that at least you can walk the neighbor's son is bedridden in a hospital bed without the possibility of doing so struggling to live.


This day is over despite the difficult situations I am not complaining and I thank God that he has helped me so far I am fulfilling my purpose for this year it is not about being satisfied or any religion complaining ruins life there is no need to fill your life with garbage.

Life sometimes hurts sometimes hurts and it's a one and only.


Photos of my property taken with my Blu61 cell phone.
