And Then There Were People Again




"You know what happens when you spend five years practising and eight years researching, and two plus years writing a book, explaining how mental health works to people so that you can show people you aren't crazy?" I ask one of my besties, while we're sitting on her couch watching some random show.

She looks at me and waits for the answer.

"Nothing." I laugh.

"Because now people know they messed up but they're too embarrassed to say anything about it anyway. So nothing changes. Not one thing!"

I am actually laughing out loud as I say this because the irony and, literally, thousands of hours spent on the project for this end result are pretty fuckin' funny.

It seems I am on the mend proper.

My offbeat sense of humour is finally returning. brace yerselves

Walking has helped with this enormously.


I also did it for all the kids, though.

And the book has been read by some more folks, including a doctor or two. And a psychiatrist or two.

Hey... d'ya know what happens when a doctor or two, and a psychiatrist or two, find years of research put into a free book to explain an alternative approach to treating mental health and addiction, based on some of the less popular and once were popular but were then discarded theories of some of the great minds of their own professions?

Nothing. Not one thing!


You know this because you share it with them yourself, at times, and you see (in the glazed, thinking eyes and silence) the lightbulb go off. You see that they "get it".

But they're only human too.

Driven by desire
for personal validation
and glory

Unhealed healers
with smart certificates

Too unhealed to be only human
and to ask more
or admit they may not know it all

Or may have been wrong
all along.

So nothing happens
except they withdraw
and go kinda quiet

even when you offer to answer
any questions
and lay your cards on the table.

Personal glory and validation

Over collaboration
and healing people

For good.

Or they assimilate what they can as their own and make use of what they only half understand.

They don't share information with their peers either.

So now we all have only parts of the puzzle.

And nobody has the possibly full solution.

And so change happens too slowly
for the people who may not make
it through another night.

But priorities,


Oops... got a bit grim.

I find walking helps.


I'm walking proof that fully healing addiction and chronic mental health "disorders" is possible.

Because I've done it.

Yet people can't see what's in front of 'em.

Or people outright refuse to see it, if it threatens them in some way.

Sometimes it's an intentional denial of reality.

Sometimes it's just confirmation bias.

Often it's also unconscious bias.

Or all of these, really.


It makes me think it's okay to let things go and just be, really.

If people generally believe what suits them best instead of any kind of more maybe actual Truth.

This can either be very liberating or very depressing, by the way. This psychological phenomenon. And on different days I feel differently about it. I do wish I'd understood this more before I wasted all that time writing that goddamned book.

I find walking helps.


I took my son for a walk in the park, opposite the doctor's office, on my last check up a few months ago.

I was pretty sick again back then but I don't get all hit up about it much anymore.

I've found a way to walk in the world, totally sober despite my external circumstances and without therapy or support groups or any cravings at all anymore. No more anxiety and (now) no more depression (in full). No more "BiPolar". No more whatever your confirmation or unconscious bias wants to call it. 😉

"I'm okay, Jack!" Summink my dad used to say to me when I was being a selfish dick


This goes against everything most people currently believe about addiction and mental health, by the way.

I guess that's partly why people choose not to believe it. Or are unable to accept it.

And that's okay with me now because, after learning more about how the human mind works, I know that what people think of and about me has little to do with me anyway.

And this makes it easier to be okay with other people's mistakes about me.

I don't need to walk anymore to feel less, or anything at all, about this.


I also know life is tenuous and can change in a heartbeat, these days.

But this no longer frightens me at all.

Rather, while I wait for more possibly bad news, I make use of the time with my son to walk and play and laugh in the park nearby the doctor's rooms.

It's a beautiful day.

We have a great time together because Now I'm able to walk in the present, despite anything that may be happening around or to me.

I've eradicated almost all of my fear now.

I think people sometimes don't believe my situation because it doesn't really make sense that I'm so happy and calm despite it.

Perhaps that's it. Why people don't believe me. Or "see" me clearly.

Along with their unconscous bias and all that confirmation bias as well.

You can't be angry with someone when they aren't fully conscious or even seeing you.

Can you?


Makes you kinda wonder whether you should take anyone's opinion of you, or yours of them (!), so seriously.

Doesn't it?

Hey... it was a beautiful day the day I went for that check up!

Look at what we found just across the road...











You go through years of a journey like this and things change.


Of course.

You go from trying to make people see the truth, to trying to make people admit the truth, to trying to fight the people you think are responsible, to trying to fight the institutions that house the people you think are responsible, to trying to fight the governing bodies that protect the institutions that house the people you think are responsible...

and so it goes.

At every stage of what you believe is "the good fight", you meet The Wall.

From the denial of the individual. To the wilful ignorance and fear of the pack. To the lack of interest and corruption of government. You move from one to the next as your understanding grows...

until you are left with nothing, really.

You can not beat popular opinion.

And you can not defeat government.

Not really.

And if you do, your one small good fight will evaporate over due time and nothing will change anyway.


Like when you write that book that explains things and, even though people know more of the truth, people aren't yet ready to be in Truth.

So nothing much changes for you personally anyway.

Nothing is made "right".

There are no big happy endings with applause in packed courtrooms. There is no closure. There is no vindication.

I wonder how many other people are out there, right now, who are being forced to walk the lie as well.

To protect other people's embarrassment and shame about being "wrong". About what they may have said or done by mistake. Or because they did kinda know but were too afraid to step up.

I know there are a lot of us. Being forced to pretend our realities never even happened. It's fuckin' surreal some days, I tell ya.

I find walking helps.


I walk around my new neighbourhood and enjoy the creativity and individuality of the architecture.

It's something that struck me right off the bat when I moved here and I've commented on it a couple of times.

Every house is different. Personal. Unique.

Kinda like we humans are.

If we feel safe enough to be ourselves.


So I decided to take some photographs for you. Of the houses instead of the landscape this time. To show the creativity of the individuals who've built out here. And their very personal expression.

I love this about this village.

The gossip?

Not so much.

In fact... it destroys community. 💔

Because gossip is always about power and control.


And authentic individuality rocks!


Images removed because my car was vandalised today.

We've been targeted since we arrived and it's now escalating apparently.

I'm letting it simmer, and am going to find out more info if possible, before I decide on which course of action to take.

But in all honesty, after the last few months and what I've heard from a few other people who've also been threatened, I don't think I'm up for this particular fight with my current health condition and lack of resources.

It's pretty intense. More to follow when we are in safer seas. #bizarrelytruestoryagain #welcometosouthafrica 👀

On we go.

p.s. Send in the cavalry and that helicopter, please.

And what a shame for Pringle Bay and for those good people around here.


So what do you do when you can't beat the system, crack the pack mentality or do away with the frailty of human ego because people are wounded and unhealed?

Or are not properly individuated enough to do the right thing because we're also mostly terrified of government or society's reactions?

Well... maybe you (try to) share how you managed to figure out how to be okay in the shit storm.

As quickly as possible.


And how're you gonna do that, Nicky?


I'm gonna spend another gazillion hours writing another goddamned book of course.

And in between I'm gonna walk.

A lot!


Eternal Seeker
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer


Beyond fear is freedom

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee


All images my own for this one. All photo editing done with GIMP.



Life can be a bastard but a beautiful bastard. At least your sense of humour is returning although I don't think it went totally away 😀


Oh hello you!

Hmmm... dunno, dude. I got kinda pissed off, victimy mode and whiny liddle bit. Scared, I guess.

That doesn't help a quirky sense of humour at all! :|

Still... only human.

Hey! This Village though 👀

Remember I said hey... this village though back then a bit!

Well... holy crabs... this village though 👀

Can't share now. Not because I'm scared. But because I'm a bit more educated after these last years...

but I reckon I gotta write a book or something :D

Yeah... people can be bastards. But we can also be beautiful.

Life is just life.

How's the yoga?

And dancing?


Yoga still good, dancing not so much 😀😀

I know about villages like that, observing what goes on gives you a while different view of how some live their lives!!


Dude... I don't care much. If they'd just let me live my own life the way I wanted to.

Geesh... get a hobby guys. And gals to be fair.

Some sweet humans here too - balance always. Most of 'em are getting the shite kicked out of them and are in hiding at this stage. Or leaving.

Busy looking around now. Hey... I wanted to travel a bit more so time to get on then.

I'm gonna get a t-shirt that says, "No thanks. I'm a Lesbian."

But my son correctly asked, "So what if you get hit on by the Lesbians then?" Smart kid.

Still thinking...

Haw... no dancing.

But good on the Yoga! I keep starting and then bailing because it fuckin' hurts, man! That unYogaFit. :|

Persistence is the key...


But my son correctly asked, "So what if you get hit on by the Lesbians then?" Smart kid.

Lol, that is what I w
Thought as soon as I read the t-shirt idea.

He is a smart kid!



Love him more than words can explain.

Yep. He most certainly is!

Hey.... he just old me the new Rick 'n Morty has been banned in the UK. Are we moving back into a Victorian Period? Fuckin' weird times! 👀


Have they? I didn't hear anything about that. Might be done internet drama that isn't totally true 😀😀


Well I have to check because that makes me very nervous indeed! 👀

Braved it. It's a licence thing and not a censorship thing. Whew!

Thanks for reminding me to fact check. Duh! Rookie mistake!

Catching up on reading this weekend...


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You too chika!! :D


Not sure I do but I do it with joy.

See you tomorrow!


On the flip side baby! 😀😀


And then the side flipped and I came, read, snorted, farted, coughed and laughed out loud :D


Sorry for short comments this week I have a lot going on and wont keep up if I try to to do longer replies this week

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)


All good, you. Know how life goes.

On you go! See you on the flipside.

And thanks for the time :)


I find walking helps too. 😊

I listened to a Leonard Cohen interview the other day. He was talking about the time that he spent in a zen monastery. Something he said about the head monk reminded me of you and your story.

It was something like this, He healed me by freeing me of the illusion that I was sick.

He says a lot of good things about what it was like trying to be a monk and about how had changed after leaving the monastery in the first five or ten minutes of the interview. If you’re interested, I can send you a link.


He healed me by freeing me of the illusion that I was sick

Hello! :)

Yet we are all dying anyway. So... I guess it depends on how much you choose to focus on it. Or why.

I find remembering it helps me make the most of my time. And accepting it also helps me make the most of my time by not dwelling on it.

Fuck yeah. Please send me that link.

And I really enjoy LC. Amazing poet and songwriter ❤️ This is news to me. His time in a monastery.

Yes. I think the walking has something to do with slowing down and being fully present? Buddhist monks do some kind of practice where they bang a gong and take one step for each chime. Very slow practice... perhaps it's that.


I had no idea he had spent time in a monastery either. The interview doesn’t go into how much time he spent there, but he does say that he had to ask the head monk for permission to leave, so it sounds like he may have initially committed himself to spending the rest of his life there. I don’t know. It’s something to look up.


Who woulda thunk?!

Thanks for this. Saving for the weekend :)

I looked at going into one here in SA a few years back, you know. There's an interesting set up in the Karoo out here...

And also to live at the Vipassana Centre in Worcester to practice for a while...

I'm not sure they will allow folks to come and go and my son. Of course. I couldn't not see him. <3

I watched this a back in 2019 (or '20) and was pretty in awe of how brave and dedicated the father was. But also thought it a bit selfish, honestly. I think if you bring kids into this world it's an obligation to put them before your own interests. But that's just me...

and I might be totally wrong here. It's not a simple conversation at all...

More info

I can't find the full one I watched for some reason. But a film maker lived with them for a bit to document. And one of the monks was allowed to have visits from his wife and son. He had chosen to withdraw from his life to practice in full.

Very interesting doccie.

It even included footage of a visit with his family...

If you decide to dig it up and find it please send it my way again too :) I'm just short on time (as usual) and a decent search here with no decent results


Looks interesting. Thanks.

Turns out Cohen spent five years in a monastery.


Holy moly...

Thank you. :)

And yeah... I also suspected it was more running away than into for me when I was looking into it.

And I was right, as it turns out.

I think these practices are invaluable, at times, to fix things and move forward.

But, at some point, I think they become another way of bypassing life, really.

A while after my delving into more formal practices I had an experience that drew me away from the belief (and concept) of a "god" of any kind as well. That was fucking depressing, I tell ya. It's taken three more years to try and work out how to live without any kind of faith like that. And my belief prior to that was informal to begin with so...

and I'm still not entirely at peace with things as I see now them now.

I find philosophy helps.

And Art!

More edits...

one of my favourite writers on Medium and I keep asking him to come to the light over here. Stubborn!

But this :)

I think this is arguably the perfect and most authentic practice of Buddhism I've read about. And I'm talking about the response of the head monk when he walked in on them😆

Yetmore edits - see it's for members only :| Fucking Capitalism. I'm going to ask him if I can put it on my website and direct to his profile ...



And see how his wandering came out all over?

Lucky us.

I've come to believe that all the best poets and artists struggle with the world. Because they "see" things more clearly and deeply. It goes with the territory.

(using this link on the fakebook recovery page - thank you)


Hey lady,

I keep meaning to send you long messages about how much I appreciate you in my life. Then I think, I've already told her a bunch of times, so I'll let it cool off. But I do. Immensely. Beyond words. I can't tell you how much meeting you has meant in my personal journey, and I know, it's not like what you and your book deserve, but it's true, at least.

As for your book, I refer everything I read/hear in therapy to your book, just so you know. Not as a Bible-this-is-how-it-must-be type thing, but as a I liked this approach, it resonated with me, and Nicky has nothing to gain from convincing me of all this, so it's very much a cornerstone for what I learn as I go. Thank you for that.

I think, as you said, therapists and "professionals in the field" are just people, too. I think it can be really hard. It's still astounding to me that there's people out there willing to take on this extremely frail, unique thing that is the human mind and psyche and have a go of helping. It sounds like giants' work to me. And what you do, to do that for no reason other than to help others, it's beyond words.

So I hope you walk until you remember how important your contribution to this evolving, moving world is <3

I'm gonna go walk, too. I'm gonna listen to some Patti Smith, because it helps, and because she feels things, and I wanna reinforce to myself that that's okay too. And later tonight, Imma go to therapy. And I look forward to it. I can't fucking wait. And that's thanks to you .:)



Look at you go. Can't wait to go to dig down the rabbit hole. Hah! With that attitude you're already sorted. Pretty much! :D


And I can't hear it enough :D Fire away. But it's not necessary because I feel our connection and I know you're genuine. And thank you. I think the best thing one can do is share and encourage others to take their power back and get on with doing what makes them thrive. It's essentially "re-parenting" isn't it? Having someone build you up and send you on your way.

Some other folks did it for me when I needed help. The suggestion is to pass it along freely. This keeps everybody practicing, supported and progressing along together, see? We all benefit this way. So no thanks required at all.

Doing service was suggested by some folks when I got a bit into recovery and it just took off for me. To see people get it and step up and start shining. I love it. It's a total privilege to be able to support in any way at all. Honestly. Or simply to watch people grow and fly! It's quite magical in fact... 👀

We are all important and always were. More now than ever. We need to stop being afraid and to share more openly. This is how we heal together. Sounds a bit naff but it works somehow.

Eh... I met a proper super hero just yesterday. Again. I was gonna write about her today actually. But then some life stuff got in the way again...

I just do what I can when I can. But this person has made it her mission and is well in the thick of it. And she's incredible! Government care again. Overwhelmed. Low resources. Being brilliant anyway.

Yeah... keeps me clear headed and my perspective balanced... for sure.

Also. Awkward hugs :D


The suggestion is to pass it along freely.

Another thing I think of you in relation to. I am passing it along, though I'm also being mindful not to lose myself in other people's stories, as mine still needs a lot of attention. But I have noticed, for one thing, I talk different. A lot more patience, a lot less jumping to conclusions. I'm fairly on the intellectual side, so all well-meaning and stuff, I'd sometimes diagnose or assess my friends without really acknowledging that might not be what's needed. Now I do (most of the time). I've also noticed a lot more...capacity to hold others. You know, if you're standing a certain way when dancing and try to lift someone else, if you're unsteady, you're gonna fail (or topple with the person), but when you know how and find balance, it becomes almost effortless. Kinda like that, but all in the feelsies. XD Not that I think of myself as fully balanced. Not by a long shot. But baby steps allow me to offer baby raises :D

I met a proper super hero just yesterday.

I saw you just wrote. Maybe about her. Will pop along in a second. I always love it when I get a notification about you writing :)

Awkward hugs :D

Not awkward. Too much time wasted on awkwardness already <3


Okay so how do you set up notifications, please.

Not done and busy and miss too much. And all that navigating to check!

Duh :)

I'll write about here tomorrow.

And as far as recovery... there's a suggestion that we only share from our personal experience and if it may help others make some connections. This way people have the chance to make their own connections and we don't mistakenly give any advice that may not work for them. It's a simple solution and it seems to work swimmingly :)

It's just a matter of being able to integrate it so that it doesn't sound as though you're not hearing them and only talking about yourself.

Like... oh I totally hear you. That must feel ... whatever the feeling is. There was a time that I... share the experience briefly and maybe how you managed it/what tools you used...

and then confirm how challenging it was to confirm their experience again and give 'em a hug or keep eye contact a bit longer to connect with them.

Then tell them they can probably find a solution that works for them because they know their experience better (empower them).

You'll figure it out :)

But yeah. It's too easy to avoid ourselves by helping others! I'd focus on myself for the first bit to make as much progress as quickly as possible. Unless the sharing is symbiotic so both parties can share skills and experiences.


ah well, I only managed to do it once, so let's see if i figure it out again. On Ecency, you just click the person's profile picture, and that little mini lifestory pops up with their followers and description and stuff. And there's two buttons top right. The one with the human and the plus is follow, and apparently the one with the human and the heart is favorite. And it tells you when a favorite author posts (it actually uses those words, it goes "nickydee favorite author just posted" (it's fun, kinda like it wants to remind you you like said person).


But yeah. It's too easy to avoid ourselves by helping others! I'd focus on myself for the first bit to make as much progress as quickly as possible.

Oh, I am largely. But you know, can't really tell people you love go away now if you're going through something because I'm doing my own thing. I definitely try not to speak out of turn and make it clear i'm hearing, not just responding.

It's all a discovery, I suppose :)


Cool! :) Thank you. I literally open my connections and visit each profile one by one 👀

Not very productive and can't do it all because time so I always feel as though I'm missing someone.

Oh, I am largely. But you know, can't really tell people you love go away now if you're going through something because I'm doing my own thing. I definitely try not to speak out of turn and make it clear i'm hearing, not just responding.

No no no! :) That''d be the polar opposite to what we're trying to "fix"

What I'm trying to say is that we don't really need to fix and change things for others when they share. Only empathise and share relevant info.

And if we're open to listening we also learn. Symbiotic thing. Nobody is "ahead". Nobody is more on it or more powerful. In fact, I think this is where modern treatment fails largely. I mean... in the beginning you do benefit more if you listen to and maybe try stuff that people who are further on have done.

But, ultimate, I think the whole idea is radical individuation - i.e. supporting someone to trust themselves and be okay with themselves.

You only replace one addiction for another if you sit at the feet of a "guru" you know :)


Ma'am @nickydee, your journey of self-discovery and healing is truly inspiring. It's unfortunate that despite your efforts to share your knowledge and experiences, some people choose to remain in denial or hold on to their biases. It's a reminder that change takes time and that we can only control our own actions and perceptions. Your resilience and ability to find solace in walking and appreciating the creativity around you is commendable. Keep shining your light and sharing your truth ma'am! 🌟🚶‍♀️💛


Sister, my sister.

I knew, as soon as I saw you here, that we're gonna have a lot to talk about :)

Well met! 😍

And thank you!! 💥

Participation and collaboration - and information - is the only way we may all get together and dance despite anything that's happening around us.

Though I suspect there will be far less acrimony and need to do so if we keep on keeping on cracking the denial and isms.

p.s It's mostly your generation that is going to be leading the way so keep writing. Words really do change the world, you know ❤️

p.p.s You've found a good platform to do this, btw

