500 words are easy. 500 important words are not.



It's been a while since i checked in with my 500 words a day community. When I had the time it was a great way to stay writing and to stay active on hive which isn't always easy.

Motivation isn't always easy to find when your in the one place for a very long time. 5 years in fact and in that time I have written very little of use.

Very little that will be eulogized or spoken about in years to come, if any. No works for the next generation to study in school or for movies to be based on. Works that survive through the generations passed around like the precious heirlooms that their value and content deserves.

Our minds only contain so much wisdom to encapsulate in the written word and some minds have a lot less wisdom than others. Not looking at any people in particular, but you know who you are. Just saying. 🤣

So how do you turn up every single day for five years with something new, original, provoking and entertaining???

You can't really.

It's either quantity or quality.

I could spend a week trying to write one post that encapsulates all of those elements and hope to get the recognition for it. Some people like nonames does this very well. Turns up every month or two, drops bombs and goes again.

Others do quantity. There is obviously quality in there too but over the years it's very hard to not repeat the same trends when your racking up those numbers of posts.

Some of us can't do either.

I can do regular posts with little quantity so fuck it. Play to your strengths and go with what works.

That's why 500 words a day is such a good way to keep the ball rolling. There is always time for the bigger posts when you have something to say but in between those brief flashes of inspiration it's a good idea to just keep writing. Some people like books. Some people like twitter.

There is space for all forms of art and people who appreciate it.

Some people even enjoy being pissed on for fun or the music of Justin Bieber so it's a big wide world out there with a place for everybody.

Embrace hive for what it is. A place for people who operate outside of the usual lines. Creatives, outliers, visionaries, entrepreneurs and anybody who is willing to take chances in life.

Even if it includes bluffers like myself.

People trying to find new ways to learn and to earn. To live form our minds instead of our backs. People looking for a different way to do things.


I always viewed HIVE (the blog portion) as a hybrid of a forum/blog. Its very profile layout screams forum post and so does the majority of its content. However its marketed as a blog spot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We really need more purpose built apps that can attract their own users.

Ones that are set up to work as what they are intended. It's hard to fit everything under the one roof.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We must look for that thing we can channel that will keep us going everyday, 500 word a day is not bad

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's a good way to stay active. Sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation for a top post so just getting your thoughts down on the page can be very useful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think it's tough but I try to make a few 500 words posts a few times a week. It's tough but I am getting more used to things by doing so. Maybe it will be 500 words a day in the future but I tend to do more than that just commenting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posting 500 words daily isn't a bad idea,it's a form of self development
