When Did Human Interaction Become This Hard?
I straight up agree that dealing with people is tough these days. Most times, I don’t even know what to think about people’s actions or words so you can imagine. This whole week, I’ve had about 10 people ask me if I’m okay just because I was quiet. So I’m like, can’t someone be quiet and be in their lane anymore?
I’d like to believe that most people don’t understand that people have stuff to do in their lives and everyone has problems or something they’re dealing with. On a normal day , I only talk to people because I have to and not because I want to. If it’s not a conversation that’s going to benefit me, I’d rather not exhaust my energy on it. I’m more of an ambivert and I think that’s one thing most people around me are yet to get used to. I can talk to you now and the next moment I’m in no mood to have a conversation with you. Sometimes we need to be able to let people be themselves without always being in their business.
Moving on from the social side, tell me why some individuals always want to drag people down with them all the time. I’m not one to shy away from anyone or anything. Anything I do, I make sure to do it well and it turns out people have a problem with that. Today they say I’m too confident, the next minute I think highly of myself. Like bro, aren’t we supposed to be confident and also think highly of ourselves. I mean, that’s who I am and I’m not going to water myself down for anyone who thinks I need to be on the low side with them.
One big step in taking this year is doing away with negative energy and it turns out that I’m meeting people with this kind of funny energy a lot these day. Today, I’d rather be alone than be with people who don’t match my energy. Life is too short to lived pleasing people. If they can’t grow with you, don’t let them drag you down.
all images belong to me.
I don’t even know when I started laughing because it felt like I wrote this😂😂
Let them tell us, aren’t we supposed to be confident and think highly of ourselves??😂
Don’t mind them.😂
Sorry sis. I feel the pain in these lines. Well, I don’t even know there was something called ambivert until now😂. Sometimes I get people too ask me are you ok simply because am quiet and I wonder if am to be talking all the time.
These days I don’t even have strength to talk plenty. Please you are not alone in this. Save your energy for the positive ones who would appreciate them. People would always talk no matter what you do. Keep you confidence on 💪
Thanks for passing by.