They Don't Call Me Funny for Nothing
Do you have that one friend who you always have to explain a joke to about 75 times before they finally get it. Do you feel exhausted after? After all the explaining do you think it still counts as a joke? I don’t think so.😄 Having to explain a joke to someone once or a million times takes away the whole essence of the joke.
On this note, I’ll say My favourite thing about myself is my sense of humor. Trust me, it’s very difficult to come across ladies who have a good sense of humor because we ladies sometimes tend to think too much into things. You’d be surprised a harmless joke to you will be something your female friend or girlfriend will get mad at and to make things worse, she will even fight with you over it.
I’m a very open person and I am able to hold very great conversations with others especially when it comes to making and understanding jokes.😂 You can call me the joker because what would my friends do if they didn’t have me to always kill them with laughter from my jokes. On a normal day, I will appear intimidating, nerdy and too serious but once we become friends and I get comfortable with you, you’ll get to know my inner clown. If you doubt me you can ask @yahuzah.😂
I don’t think I’d be able to live a day with someone with a bad sense of humor because imagine me showing you a funny video and you’ll just be staring at my face like I’m a ghost. As soon as that happens, I know the explanation follows. It actually doesn’t take much to be able to understand or make a joke. You only need a little effort , that’s if you don’t have the spirit in you. If you’re someone who follows trends, is very active on some social media channels and is open minded then it’s highly possible you’ll have a good sense of humor. As for me, mine is a miracle from above.🌚
Having a good sense of humor matters to most people out there because in this era no one wants to have conversations with boring people who don’t understand jokes.😅 For tips on how to develop a good sense of humor, just contact me to book an appointment.😅
😂😂 sorry oo madam funny. Madam good sense of humor 😂
😂😂I will slap your face.
Sorry o. Madam Funniment and Clownery.😂😂
I can laugh at your joke because it’s funny at the moment. But I will think deep into it and make an issue when you least expect it
😂😂women will always be women.