The Age Factor: Does it Matter?

I’ve had so many people say that age is just a number but I beg to differ. Even though age is just a number, it is believed that age comes with experience and I know you’d agree with that. What I mean by age comes with experience is basically the fact that we don’t expect to know more than our parents or even our grandparents. They know the way of life more than us and that’s because they came to this earth before us and they understand things more than we do.

But, even though age comes with experience, it doesn’t always come with maturity. Not every old person is mature. You can meet a person who’s about 30+ years with no sense at all and you can also meet a teenager who’s matured. All these depends on several factors including the individual’s upbringing and many more.

Talking about relationships, we all know that it’s more like a norm for a man to be older than a woman in a romantic relationship. It’s like a rule no one set but but people still hold highly. Well, I understand why this is so , because it totally makes sense for the man to be the older person in the relationship so that he can manage things since he’s meant to be the head of the family.

But , over the years things have changed so much and I would say age doesn’t really matter to some people anymore. I have a friend who’s more into older women because he feels they at least understand him as compared to the younger ones. But what he wasn’t prepared for is the pressure it came with. Once, he was in a talking stage with this lady who was about a year or two older than him and obviously, this lady was looking to settle down. And my poor friend on the other hand didn’t even know what he was going to eat the next day. In a situation like this, there’s really nothing good to come out of this aside him being pressured into something he’s not ready for. Eventually, he had to break it off so she could find a man who was ready to settle down.

Sometimes, it’s not only about the heart and what it feels. We need to be logical in all our doings. Love is good, but love alone is not going to hold the fort together. When it comes to romantic relationships, I believe highly that age matters. Although in some situations you can trust that age doesn’t matter because both parties are matured enough especially when the lady is older than the man. I’ve seen men go in for ladies older than them and it’s just a few ladies who wouldn’t use your age as an opportunity to look down on you. Any small thing and she will be like am I your age mate. I know my gender and what our mouth can say.

For a guy, I think it’s best to go in for a lady you’re older than with a smaller age gap. Don’t be 50 years and be in a relationship with an 18 years old girl. You’d be her ancestor at that point. The age gap should be smaller so that you can both understand each other and not feel like one is older than the other so they have to act like they’re your child. You’re in a relationship for Gods sake. For ladies, we all know ourselves and so I’d say it’s best to go in for a man that is older than you. I’m not talking about sugar daddy but if that’s your taste why not.

I’m so keen about that age gap because I’ve seen instances where one party is about 20 years other than the other and that ended up ruining the whole relationship. Two individuals from different generations, obviously one wouldn’t understand the ways of the other unless they are open minded. There’s no way in hell I would be in a relationship with a man and it would look more like I’m in a relationship with my dad. At that point you can’t even joke anymore because they will say you don’t respect.😂

But then again, people would always go in for what they want regardless. Sometimes we need to take a step back, be realistic and make decisions logically so that one day we won’t look back and regret the day we met our partners.

all images belong to me.


You were trying to be funny at some point and I laughed within me but it didn’t come out, I guess I’m tired that’s why, lol.

Indeed, age matters, if not to the parties involved, it matters to those they may be close with, like families, colleagues and friends. Adding this part of troubles to face in a relationship is just going to be a hassle because there are more to come but like you said, to those who their families and friends don’t have a problem with it and both parties are cool with it, then it’s fine to take that step.

Getting married to a man older than my father is a complete no no for me but sometimes I wonder, what if we don’t know our ages, will anything be different? There are some people who don’t look their ages in so many ways, hehe.


You should get some rest.

I believe most families don’t look at the ages of both parties anymore. They just look at other stuff aside the age.


Love is good, but love alone is not going to hold the fort together

This is the main fact some lovers don't know until marriage opens their blinded love sight, to love, but do not be blinded, choose the age and person that works best for you.
