Saving The Day: A Sacrifice For Peace

Dealing with humans can be really hectic at times. We all have different attributes and upbringing and so, we are all likely to handle situations differently. I’ve seen family members turn to worst enemies over something that could have just been sorted out easily. But then, I guess it takes so much more than just being old to navigate some situations.

Some people are old but not mature. Maturity can come at any age in life. There are young people out there who are more mature than even some older ones. That’s what separates the men from the boys. Most at times, I see individuals stressing over nothing when the answer to all their problems is right before of them.

Life is easy, we are those that complicate it for ourselves. I’m not someone who likes to engage in quarrels and arguments. Once I sense any sort of drama, you wouldn’t even find me there in the next minute. I’ve cut contact with someone of my friends because they were being unreasonable and dramatic. Can’t have such people in my life because they would always cause problems for you no matter how hard you try to manage the situation.

I’m not a fun of massaging situations because eventually , they would get out of hand. The best thing to do is to address it head on and find a solution. A few months ago, one of my friends had an issue with someone and it became so serious that the police was involved. Apparently, this friend of mine took a loan from the other party and needed to pay at a specific time with no interest. To me, that’s actually a good deal because these days all loans come with interest.

Both parties agreed to this arrangement but then, when it was time for my friend to meet up her end of the bargain at the said time, she was found wanting. From what I was told, she acted like she didn’t even have to settle any debt and it looked like she didn’t want want to pay but that wasn’t really the case. The other party was also not ready to let that amount of money go just like that and that led into a lot of fights which eventually led to the police being involved.

I didn’t want my friend to be arrested for not being able to pay the money because you never know what might be going on with her. To save her the disgrace and all of that, I had to step in to settle a part of her debt in order to buy her some more time to raise the money. A few weeks after, she eventually settled her debts with no drama at all. This decision of mine went a long way to help my friend positively. It actually didn’t affect me in any way because I was helping a friend out. I would do it again if any of my friends were in the same situation because I know that if I was in their shoes, they would also come to my aid.

all images belong to me.


You've done well to come through for your friend to save the day, else she would have been arrested, it's quite annoying when I see people who borrow money pleading, but when it's time to pay back thru start acting up, it's one of the reasons why people not abstain from helping or giving loan.


You’re very right. But sometimes we can’t really blame them.


You know, I had a similar case, but I feel at peace that I helped, even think haven't gotten what i offered, but then, I still feel good and not pressured, not like I don't need it back, but I know if I was in his shoes, he'd do the same for me...
Nice write up


Sometimes we just can’t help it because we know some of our friends come through for us always.


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