Righting Your Wrongs


Have you ever wondered why you attend so many events yet no one approaches you. Give it some thought. If you set a goal to meet new people this year and build your connections then you’re at the right place.

What would stop you from approaching someone? It might be from the person or it might be from you. Now, let’s focus on getting you to meet more people. If at least one person doesn’t approach you at an event then you should know that there’s obviously something wrong with you.

The first thing everyone observes when you walk into a room is how you are dressed. As they say, first impressions matter. Before someone even gets to know you better, your dressing would have already given them a fair idea about who you are. One thing most people pay less attention to is how they dress. You mostly find people dressed the wrong way for an event. You can’t wear casual clothings to an official event, you’ll look like a joke to others. And I always say it’s better to overdress than underdress. Anytime you step out of your house, make sure you look your best, like you’re going to meet your crush because what you wear talks for you.

Now , tell me why you would into a room full of people with your shoulders down? That’s a very wrong move for anyone looking to grow. How you walk and carry yourself also counts. You might not pay attention to it but others do. You shouldn’t give yourself even a minute to lose confidence. Walk into the room with your shoulders high and in full confidence. Don’t look down, look up and make eye contact with people. You’ll be back to thank me later.

If you’re fond of having a straight face always them my dear, you better update that straight face to a smile. No one is going to approach you with that look you have on. People will approach you only when you have that approachable face. You’re not fighting with anyone so make sure to smile more while you’re at it. You can frown when you’re in your room.

And just when you finally get someone to approach you, you somehow manage to make them loose interest in you. Every setting has different kinds of people and you should also make sure you know how to keep a meaningful conversation going with everyone. Instead of focusing more on yourself, allow the other person to also talk. Some of us can be so self centered we make everything about ourselves. Some people don’t even approach you because they want to know you, they may want to talk about business and here you are missing that opportunity because you prefer to talk about yourself, what food you like best and how you managed to get this dress you’re wearing and how expensive it was. My dear, stop that! Learn to say the right things at the right time and don’t be so quick to talk.

Want to be noticed? Want to build yourself and meet possible investors for your business or whatever you’re doing? Don’t slack, correct your mistakes by trying these tips. Wishing you the best!

all images belong to me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


At this point, I think I actually need to start going out so I can put these things into practice


Honestly this is a serious issue
Most people have been keeping a straight face since child that it has even become their default face


😂😂😂it’s really bad. You will see them and be scared for your life.
