Experiencing the Divine

Life is simple , and even simpler than we can imagine. We all know how the world came to existence and everything in it. It’s up to us to either believe there’s a source or not. But, I always tell people that God is not from anyones hometown. You know how when someone doesn’t do something for you and you go like oh, it won’t be well with them. You don’t get to decide if it will be well with them or not. Also find your own money or means to get whatever you want, no one owes you.

Speaking about miracles, I always tell people around me that if they’re looking for a perfect example of ‘Gods work’ then I’m that example because I don’t know what God hasn’t done for me in my life. At some point every year, I take a walk down memory lane and it hits me that even the tiniest things I asked God for have come to pass. Maybe I didn’t get them the moment I wanted them, but then I believe that God gave them to me in the right time.

I’ve seen first hand how things have worked in my favour on so many occasions and I can’t attribute it to any other thing aside miracles because I know it’s most definitely not the doing of man but the doing of God. I’ve had so many experiences where things just happened to go my way out of the blue but there’s one experience that I would say was what hit me the most.

So, sometime ago I was really going through it. I was losing my mind because everything was a mess and it didn’t even seem like things were going to get better anytime soon. Let’s just say the future looked gloomy. I was literally on the verge of self destruction at some point but thank God for friends. I pushed everyone away because I didn’t want to drag them into my problems but there were people who stuck with me through it all.

Amidst all this, I was also expected to live a normal life, show up at events, laugh, talk to people and all of that. It was more like I was just living because I wasn’t dead yet, which I hoped I would be soon. I was praying but I felt God wasn’t listening but I guess I didn’t fully understand the meaning of ‘when the time is right’ in that moment. Honestly, I don’t know how it happened , but I woke up one day and everything just went away. I didn’t know how to react or what to do because the kind of trauma I went through wasn’t something I would wish on anyone.

Sometimes my mind just drifts to those moments, thinking of the worst that could happen. It takes times to heal but I know that if God could pull something like this off, healing was just also a matter of time. Now, I have come to understand that there’s really no reason to worry about anything in this life because there’s always a driving force behind everything. Just put your trust in God and let him guide your path. I hope this helps someone out there.

This is my entry to the #septemberinleo prompt day 6. Read more about it here- September INLEO writing prompt.

all images belong to me .

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