What is success



There is a saying that says, successful life is very expensive, it will cost you something to become a champion, which is price payment, now it's either you pay the price now and play later or play now and pay the price later, but when you're paying the price, it's going to be stressful, weak bone with Grey hair. And I tell people success doesn't happen over night, Is not going to happen by mistake because success only come to does who think about success and strive for it and success doesn't come by hoping and wishing but by hard working, smart working and enthusiasm

Success is not measure by your position in life, it is not measure by what you put on, the house you build and the car you buy, but it is measure by how many people you can put smiles on their face and how many people making money through you. Also success doesn't measure by how high we go in life but how many times we rather bounce back when we fall. I've never seen a successful person that has never failed in the past, that's to tell you that every successful person you see was once a failure yesterday and the truth is you can't archieve success if you re afraid to fail because failure is a normal things to happen on the road to success. Also in life choosing a successful life over a surviving life is choice and choosing a surviving life over a successful life is also a choice, but one thing both of the choices will not escape is the consequences, if you choose successful life, you will bear the consequences and if you choose surviving life, you'll aswell bear the consequences... Now the choice is yours!!!


1. Desire: This simply means your aim and ambition in life. Wanting to succeed without burning desire will not make you to achieve your desire in life because someone said whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it will surely archieve it.

2. Commitment:In anything you do, if you lack commitment, your goal and ambition will never come to reality. Try not to become a success, but rather try to become a man of value. Commitment require you playing to win. It's not going to be easy, we all want to win but not everybody can pay the price for wining. You'll have to be mentally committed, physically committed, spiritually committed and emotionally committed for you to win.

3. Hard Work: One of the
qualities you'll always see in successful people is how hard working they are... The word "Luck" means labour under correct knowledge, successful people don't just work anyhow but they labour under correct knowledge and that's what make them difference. Everybody likes to win, but most people aren't willing to put in the effort and time to prepare to win. It takes self discipline and sacrifice.

4. Attitude/Character: Attitude is everything in life, but the funniest things about it is that, you can become successful with a bad attitude, but the surprising things there is that you will not last at the top. A bad attitude is like flat Tyre, you can't move forward unless you change it. Your attitude is the real you, who you are and it reflected on your behavior and actions all the time, so having a good attitude serve as catalyst for every other things to follow.

5. Positive Believing: There is saying that says, if you can control your thought and you walk, talk and act the way you'll like to be, you'll eventually become it. Successful people are always positive in all things they do, even when they passing through hard time, they still believe they will surely archieve their goals.So having a pistive attitude and being motivated all the time are choices will make everyday. Living a positive life is not easy, especially in the hard time, but then negative life is neither easy aswell. So the choice is yours to make.


There is no way you can archieve success if you have all this in you as a person......: Ego, Fear of failure, Lack of goals, No plan, procrastination, Lack of commitment, Giving up vision for promise of money, Lack of persistence and Lack of priorities. All this are very important if you want to archieve success.

# I'll stop here, remember success is a journey not a destination, to archieve success, you gonna have to be ready for success because success will never come to your standard, you'll be the one to raise on success standard.
