The White Snow Reptilian


In the remote, frozen land of the Siberian mountains, a terrifying tale is whispered among the villagers: the story of the Snow White Creeper. This half-human, half-reptile species is known for its snow-white scales that hide the winter landscape and its icy yellow eyes that glow in the dark.

Years ago, a group of Russian scientists went deep into these mountains to study winter animals. Five talented scientists were led by the famous biologist Dr. Ivan Petrov. They live in an isolated shelter, equipped with everything necessary to withstand the extreme heat. The first week went by without a hitch.

The scientists collected data and samples and were amazed by the strength of the local animals. But one night a strange howl and loud cry interrupted the hearing. They thought it might be a wolf, although it sounded darker and colder. Days later, one of the researchers, Mikhail, decided to check the place for signs. He saw strange footprints in the snow, larger than a wolf's, and claw marks that looked like reptiles.

When he shared his findings with the team, some were skeptical, but Dr. Petrov decided to investigate further. That evening the moans returned, almost this time. The researchers armed themselves with flashlights and left the building. The flashlight light faded into the darkness of the night, they see a shadow moving quickly through the trees. It's important, clean, and simple. Panic sets in when one of the witnesses, Sergei, is dragged into the darkness by an unseen force.

His moans quickly died away, leaving only the sound of the freezing wind. The terrified group ran into the house and locked doors and windows. Over the next few days, the creature strikes again, one team member at a time. The frantic scientists tried to come up with an escape plan, but the tornado blocked all avenues. Food runs out and the cold disappears every day. In the end, only Dr. Petrov and Elena, the youngest of the group, survived.

They decided their only hope was to try and reach the nearest base, several miles away, they slowly opened the door to the house, the freezing wind hitting their faces, and they began to flee. Halfway there, the creature reappeared, its eyes glowing in the darkness. Dr. Petrov tried to distract it so Elena could escape. He ran to the side, screaming and waving his arms, but the white monster was moving at a dangerous speed. It wasn't long before the monster landed on top of him, his moans hitting the ground.

Running with all her might, Elena felt the creature's icy breath behind her. Just when she thought all was lost, she saw the lights of the base in the distance. With the last of her strength she made it to the door and collapsed, exhausted and stoned. The next day, the recovery team found him, confused and shaken.

The villagers who cared for him listened to his story with horrified eyes. They knew that the story of the Snow Serpent was not just a myth, that the creature always lurked in the icy shadows, waiting for its next victim.
