"Reign Jesus Reign" and "You are the King" a cover medley for praise and worship music week 25

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Good day everyone in the sound music community. It's my privilege to participate in this week's sound music competition, precisely week 25. I am grateful. Thanks to @stefy.music for bringing up this awesome project on hive.

I am doing a cover of a medley “reign Jesus reign“ and “you are the king above all the earth”by Shirley Caesar and Victor Olayeni respectively. The song reign Jesus reign is from the album you Can make it and was released in the year 2000. The song has been performed by many artist and one of which is Jeo mettle. Shirley Caeser is a contemporary popular American Gospel artist who has recorded a lot of gospel songs. Meanwhile you are the king above all the earth was released in the year 2011 by a Nigerian artist victor Olayeni the song has also been performed by various artists.

The song “reign Jesus reign “ is absolutely inline with the theme for the week “ king of kings”. The song is also inline with the Easter season as celebrated by Christians all over the world. It was Jesus' victory over death that he was crowned the king of kings by God himself. As a king, he reigns on the earth and in the heavens. So this song is affirming the fact that Jesus reigns over all. A lot of Christians are ignorant of the reigning king which is Jesus, hence they still find it difficult to also reign in life as kings and priests. they can achieve all things in this life through Christ . This is inline with what apostle Paul says in the book of Phil.4.13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.


Reign Jesus reign
Reign Jesus reign
King of zion
Judah’s lion
Reign Jesus reign.

Kabi O osi o kabi O osi
You are the King above all the earth
Kabi O osi o kabi O osi

I want to use this medium to invite @ezemann @sylvastick and @fulfillment to join the music community and sing praise and worship to our God.


Buenos días a todos en la comunidad de la música sonora. Tengo el privilegio de participar en el concurso de música sonora de esta semana, precisamente la semana 25. Estoy muy agradecido. Gracias a @stefy.music por subir este impresionante proyecto a hive.

Estoy haciendo un cover de un medley "reign Jesus reign" y "you are the king above all the earth "de Shirley Caesar y Víctor Olayemi respectivamente. La canción reign Jesús reign pertenece al álbum you Can make it y se publicó en el año 2000. La canción ha sido interpretada por muchos artistas, entre ellos Joe Mettle. Shirley Caesar es una popular artista gospel estadounidense contemporánea que ha grabado muchas canciones gospel. Mientras tanto eres el rey sobre toda la tierra fue lanzado en el año 2011 por un artista nigeriano victor Olayemi la canción también ha sido interpretada por varios artistas.

La canción "reign Jesús reign" está totalmente en consonancia con el tema de la semana "rey de reyes". La canción también está en consonancia con la Pascua que celebran los cristianos de todo el mundo. La victoria de Jesús sobre la muerte le valió ser coronado rey de reyes por Dios mismo. Como rey, reina en la tierra y en los cielos. Así que esta canción está afirmando el hecho de que Jesús reina sobre todo. Muchos cristianos ignoran que Jesús es el rey que reina, por lo que les resulta difícil reinar en la vida como reyes y sacerdotes. Esto concuerda con lo que dice el apóstol Pablo en el libro de Fil.4.13 - Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.


Reign Jesus reign
Reign Jesus reign
Rey de Sión
León de Judá
Reine Jesus reign

Kabi O osi o kabi O osi
Tú eres el Rey sobre toda la tierra
Kabi O osi o kabi O osi

Quiero usar este medio para invitar a @ezemann @sylvastick y @fulfillment a unirse a la comunidad musical y cantar alabanza y adoración a nuestro Dios.

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