The Most Expensive Things Of This World Are Without A Price: Things To Learn From A Tree


The Most Expensive Things Of This World Are Without A Price: Things To Learn From A Tree


Whether you agree with the statement above or not, it does not rule out the fact that expensive things in this world are free of charge and without a price. I don't think that any other thing can be more expensive than the air we breathe at will and effortlessly. How do I get to know this? I visited a friend in the hospital who was severely ill and it got to the extent of administering oxygen to him. I realized that oxygen is the most expensive thing we paid for. An interval of two days of placing him on oxygen we spent a huge amount of money. I began to ask myself some salient questions. If we were to pay for the air that we breathe, no one could have afforded it and most of us would have passed on by now. But you see that the most underrated thing humans do is look down on the carbon dioxide they inhale at will. On this matter, all living humans should always be thankful to nature for the gift of oxygen.

Meanwhile, the tree is one of the gifts of nature for humans. A lot of people hardly pay attention to nature. I love nature, that's why I visit places with natural dispositions. I also plant trees around my neighborhood. Whenever I sit out to look at trees in my surroundings, I marvel at the indispensable role they play in nature. The following are what I carefully observed in trees.

Trees are a source of life Trees give us the oxygen we breathe free of charge. The day trees go extinct, life ends as well. Hence preserve a tree and also preserve life.

A tree can not become a forest No matter how big and large a tree is, it cannot become a forest hence more trees are needed to make a forest. Where we have more trees we have an abundance of oxygen. Just like the tree, we need each other to grow.

The tree is generous Among other gifts of nature, trees are generous so long as you nurture them. They can give you fruits, Shelter, and fire for energy. Also, their leaves can give compost manure, instead of paying for artificial fertilizer.

Trees are good securities They break the wind and prevent our houses from falling or being blown away. They also do these free of charge.

Good furniture Trees are the source of good furniture we have in our homes. The sofas you sit on wouldn't have been without the tree.

We write on a tree A Tree helps us to write. Think about our books and other writing materials all sourced from the tree.

We can go on and on but remember that all of these are given to humans free of charge. Save a tree today. Be conscious of the trees around you. Plant one today if you need a forest tomorrow.

Nature gave us all of these free of charge, therefore, when you want to fix a price for adding value to it consider that it was a gift of nature.


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