The media and the rest of us:  exploring the potentiality of the Mass Media in a global world. 


The media and the rest of us: exploring the potentiality of the Mass Media in a global world.


There is no doubt that the media plays a very crucial role in our society today. The importance of the mass media cannot be overemphasized as they play the role of dissemination of information, educating the masses as well as entertaining the populace. The question that always begs for an answer is to what extent do the mass media play such important roles.? Reading through the deep dives community, there are series of news reports from all nukes and cranny of the world. Hence, #hive is also a mass media platform that performs the role of entertainment, information and educating the public.

The importance of the media is always showcased in the attempt of the government to always buy the media to themselves. Knowing fully well that the support as well as the rejection of a government is based on the interplay of the media. The media is a very powerful weapon in our world today. Through the mass media, global war can be orchestrated and magnified and through the mass media too, international peace and harmony can also be achieved.

Having established the above, it is pertinent to aver that the global world population is at the mercy of the mass media. The reportage of the media is what the world dines at. Consequently, should we always believe every reportage of the mass media, especially from the most reputable media houses? Meanwhile, do the media houses know that they are the ones holding the entire society to ransom?

In my country, for example, we have cases whereby the mass media will report a case against the government only for the government to come out and deny it. When this happens the citizens are left with nothing but confusion on whom to believe. Hence, the media should ensure that any information they want to dish out to the public is verifiable and it is reported in such a way that it will not cause war and division among the people.


It is more deadly for the mass media houses to be biased in reportage. That's why it is necessary to do the necessary and proper findings before information is dished out to the public. Another example of biased media reports in my country is when a particular media house is fond of reporting bad news about the country and when good things happen, they hardly give a report on such. This is dishonesty on the part of the mass media.

The government has an important role in this regard, the role is not to gag the media but to regulate their activities in such a way that they do not incite the public against itself. This can be achieved through the passage of mass media Acts into law. This will help mitigate fake news and misinformation.

For the world to experience peace and harmony there is a need for the mass media to be neutral and truthful when carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

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The truth is most of the things we read in the media are manipulated to favor a certain faction in the political system. We need to filter what we believe as it stands
