Reincarnation and the Christian faith. 


Reincarnation is another concept that has birthed debate in the Christian faith. While some groups argue that reincarnation is real and true, other groups believe that reincarnation is not biblical. Despite the point of view of the various groups, it is the world of God that is the final authority. While other religions may believe in reincarnation that does not mean it is valid. We must believe the word of God over people's experiences and stories.

The Bible stand on reincarnation

What is the Bible saying about reincarnation? Before we analyze the Bible's standpoint of reincarnation, it is necessary to expatiate on the concept of reincarnation. Reincarnation is a belief system that human beings who die can come back to life as reincarnated beings. As a system of belief, they argue that humans at death, passed through different stages as reincarnated beings. Some transform into animals while others into human beings.

Any Christian who believes in reincarnation does not obey the word of God because there is no such teaching in the Bible.

When God created Adam, he informed him that he came out of the dust and there shall he return also. He did not say that he would be reincarnated into something else or another human being.

The Bible states that it is appointed for every man to die once then the judgment. Heb.9.27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

There is judgment for everyone who lives on this earth. That's the Bible standard. That's why Jesus wants everyone to repent and be born again to escape the judgment that is coming upon everyone.

Look at this scripture too

2 Cor.5.10 - For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

The Bible emphasizes that everyone shall appear before God for judgment.

There are no specific teachings on reincarnation in the Bible, Jesus never taught it neither did the Apostles. So it is wrong to believe what the Bible preaches against.

The flaws in reincarnation

My question when it comes to the concept of reincarnation is, why are reincarnated beings not aware that they are reincarnated? I must say that I have never met anyone who makes fun of the fact that they are reincarnated beings. If there were probably reincarnated persons on earth, we would have met them in our workplaces, institutions, and business premises.

Secondly, if reincarnation was real, then a reincarnated soul should be able to recognize where he resided and go back to those places and continue life where he ended.

It is against the scripture to believe in reincarnation. The Bible teaches that he gives eternal life to as many who believe in Jesus and those who believe not are condemned eternally.

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