Newbies on hive, do these and become successful in the platform.


Good day everyone i hope you're doing great. Let me share with the newbies on hive what they ought to do inorder to stay put and be successful on the platform. I will also help in setting up hive goals for the year 2024.

Some years ago i signed up for hive blockchain, and everything went on fine until i started making little mistakes which deprived me of where inought to have been at the moment. As such anyone who happened to sign up on the platform, i must ensure that i share my experience with him abd also guide him from repeating the same silly mistakes i made.

Get a well articulated and equipped mentor

Hive is a delicate and humongous platform with lots of features, lots of tasks and requires commitment and patient to be able succeed. So in this case, you first of all need a mentor. Not just a mentor but one who understands virtually everything on hive. Remember, a half baked teacher cannot produce a fully baked student. So endeavor that your mentor is well equip if not you'll lose out in so many things going on here. If you don not have any or the one mentoring you is not so good and committed to the work i can recommend @uyobong to you. He's a mentor par excellent.

Be patient at all time

Secondly, you must very patient, i repeat be patient, if not you'll soon crash out. Remember that Rome was not built in a day. Even the Hive platform is intrducing new features every now and day. Example is the #inleo community. So to make it and be established here, learn to be patient and learn. Making money urgently should not be your primary objective but getting knowledge and understanding how the entire system works. Making money will be simple and easy when you know what to do and you do it right.

focus alot on other people's work

Thirdly, read alot from people's post. This is the beginning of knowing what to do . Whenever you spend time reading other people's post you learn from them and you also gain new knowledge and insight on a subject matter. Remember when you write or speak you're only displaying what you've knoaaawn already but reading other people's pieces of work , you assimilate new ideas.

find your niche and engage always

Every content creator have area of strengths and weaknesses. Thats why i say don't by money. Look for a community where you know you can write with ease and you'll be flowing. Not where you'll be racking brain, looking for how to make a meanging full contribution. There are so many communities here, make your resaearch and engage the one you like.

Be a busy bee
What do i mean here? What i mean is that you should be engaging in other people's posts. Comment on them, reblog and upvote if possible. Moreover, engage in community quests and competitions. Some communities does theirs weekly while some does theirs daily. In doing these, you will gain a high reputation and suddenly you'll start becoming popular. Popularity is what makes people to get support. This principle also applies to #hive.

make quality posts
Better soup, they say money kill am, so commit yourself to making quality post always. Make sure that the number of words exceed 500. At the same time, follow each community rules and guidelines. Ensure you read them before you even start making post. Example, some communities do not accept posts made in English. Etc.

use the right tags
Tags in hive is as important as the post itself. Using the right tag will make your post appear for curation. You cannot write a post on sport for example then you tag Leo finance. It doesnt work that way.

set a goal
Goal setting is good, it will give you a push to work harder. In 2024, draft out what you seek to achieve in your journey. You can do it monthly or quarterly and ensure that you achieve those goals against all odds.

Do these and your journey on hive will be smooth and successful. Remember that i made lots of mistakes as a newbie and those mistakes formed this write up.

Thanks for reading my blog post.


Be patient at all time got me haha. They really need to be extra patient. Thanks for sharing.


I agree with all the tips you shared. There's many things any newbie can do to thrive well here. It's all about getting the right information and updates and also sticking around. Hive is vast and there's a whole lot to give and benefit from.


We are all learning in this process and so it would be better for the newbies to learn so well so that they would not become not informed.
