Mothers are the greatest gift to the world.

The greatest gift the world has is the gift of motherhood. Mothers are the carriers of generations. Without mothers, there will be no continuation of life. Hence there is a need for mothers to be celebrated. Everyone on earth has a mother, either alive or has gone to glory, no adjective will be good enough to describe the role mothers play in society. Therefore, every young girl should be properly taken care of because they are the future mothers. Who the girl child is today will determine the outcome tomorrow. Notwithstanding, I will do a little justice by highlighting some of the roles mothers play in society.

Mothers are the epitome of love

Love radiates from mothers. The way mothers love their children, people need to learn how to love from mothers. They love unconditionally without strings attached to it. A mother is ready to starve for the children to eat, she's ready to sacrifice all that she has for the survival of another. No one can truly describe mothers’ love, they are beyond human comprehension.

Mothers are patient

Another quality possessed by mothers is that of being patient and enduring. It takes patience and endurance to nurture a baby into adulthood. This is what mothers pass through. They patiently wait for their children to grow without casting aspersions or being discouraged from taking care of them. They know fully well that, one day, they will reap the fruits of their labor.

Mothers care

Another very attribute of mothers is that they care for their children and others who are in their cycle. From infancy, mothers are known for taking good care of what they have. She does not joke with her children. She ensures that they all look good at all times. She provides them with food, shelter, education, and other good things in life. The majority of mothers are engaged in one work or the other to have money to care for their children.

Mothers Educates

The first agent of socialization is the family and mothers majorly play the role of educating the children and instilling good character and morals in them. Mothers ensure that their children and those they care for imbibe good societal morals and upbringings.

Mothers pamper

Most mothers cannot stand the sight of seeing their children go through pain. Most times, mothers pamper and over-pamper. They don't want their children to be punished unnecessarily, hence they do what they can to protect them against harm and anything that might cause pain.

Good Mothers are everything the world needs. Anyone who has a good mother has everything in life. However, these virtues exhibited by mothers are not exclusive to a race or tribe, they flow naturally in all mothers.

Consequently, I am using this medium to wish all mothers a happy International Mother's Day. Mothers are truly gifts to the world.

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