It is unwise to be drunk with wine

It is unwise to be drunk with wine


Alcoholism is a mocker. A man who depends solely on it is bound to see shame all through his life on earth. The bible state categorically in Eph.5.18 - And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Too much wine will lead to drunkenness and when a man is drunk, he loses his sensitivity thereby leading him to misery.

Instead of being drunk with wine, the Bible says be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a guidance to every believer whereas wine will lead a believer astray. Every decision a person makes under the influence of alcohol is not always right and God is not happy with such a person.

Noah would not have committed such an abomination before God if he wasn't drunk with wine. This is a call to every believer to shun any drink that can make him drunk.

Besides Noah there were other people in scriptures whose actions were questionable as a result of being drunk. Right from time, God has warned his people against taking alcohol. Sampson's mother was warned of drinking strong drink even Sampson. This same warning applies to everyone who wants to make an impact in the world.

Again, one of the conditions of one holding an office of a pastor according to Apostle Paul in 1tim. 3:3 was that he must not be given to wine, that means he must not be an alcoholic. Sensitive positions and offices should not be given to people who love wine but people who love and do righteousness.

The time that I did not come to the knowledge of God, I was a lover of wine and I was drunk several times, embarrassing myself in public. Beyond this, I had issues with making right decisions at all times. Whatever decision I made, never yielded anything good. But through the help of the Holy Spirit I do not drink anything that contains alcohol.


Drinking wine is not a sin but getting drunk is what people should be careful about. At times many people will use the excuse of using it for the treatment of ailment as Paul instructed Timothy but they will end up being drunk. So it is better to avoid alcohol entirely because it is not healthy to do so as a Christian.

A wise man will desist from the things that bring mockery and embarrassment to him and alcohol is one of such.

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